ungoogled-software / ungoogled-chromium

Google Chromium, sans integration with Google
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Updating to Chromium 103.0.5060.114 #2011

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 2 years ago

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Chromium stable channel for Linux has been updated to a newer version: 103.0.5060.114.

If you are willing to work on updating the patches and lists, please leave a comment in this issue in order to facilitate better coordination and avoid wasted/duplicated efforts.

If you'd like to increase visibility of your progress or get early feedback/advice, consider creating a Draft Pull Request. Finally, make sure to reference this issue in your PR. Please make sure to read /docs/developing.md for guidance.

Feel free to raise issues or questions throughout the process here. However, please refrain from asking for ETAs unless no visible progress has been made here or in the developer's PR for a while (e.g. 2 weeks).

PF4Public commented 2 years ago

The Stable channel has been updated to 103.0.5060.114 for Windows. which will roll out over the coming days/weeks.

But if OmahaProxy says so 🤷

networkException commented 2 years ago


a61kt commented 2 years ago

it've been rolled out on linux (source i got an update in arch + chaotic aur)

But tarball generation seems broken https://ci.chromium.org/p/infra/builders/cron/publish_tarball

drama .. chromium buildbot its broken (no tarballs) ...

edit tarball avaible + arch updated it

PF4Public commented 2 years ago

edit tarball avaible + arch updated it

I still get 404.

networkException commented 2 years ago

Arch is using a script to fetch sources manually as a workaround

PF4Public commented 2 years ago

@networkException Do you plan implementing the same in arch repo?

jstkdng commented 2 years ago

That script doesn't work on obs as it builds without internet access. I think we should just wait until the chromium team fixes the issue.

PF4Public commented 2 years ago

it builds without internet access

Same for Gentoo!

a61kt commented 2 years ago

and i cant 'peel it' from ANY other distro (rawhide its still fromen on 102 - rpmfusion still has 103..53 / ubuntu ppas are still on 103....53)

so the only way COULD be imitating arch buildscript (and get chromium code via git) or pray that someone (rpmfusion/opensesuse-tumbleweed) gets it and extracting it via rpmextract

jstkdng commented 2 years ago

I ran the script and removed some files to get a working tar file. I've uploaded the file here. https://vin.ovh/chromium-103.0.5060.114.tar.xz It's like 1+ gb than the regular size so some useless stuff could still be there. Edit: it's not working, not sure if it's an issue with the tar or the patches

a61kt commented 2 years ago

@jstkdng and does it builds (on default) settings

default as the normie chromium (from extra) + default instructions

i ask it cz i literally have a 3mb internet (so downloading its its impossible / but i could play on obs)

jstkdng commented 2 years ago

it is certainly building, pruning is having issues.

a61kt commented 2 years ago

@jstkdng and do u think that we can work with it

or we should wait (and pray that google fixes their buildbot

Ahrotahn commented 2 years ago

According to the bug report they should have the tarball available tomorrow. I'm surprised this wasn't looked at sooner.

If it helps, here's an archive of what I've made a functional build from: https://bitwisefool.com/chromium-103.0.5060.114.tar.xz sha256: fd9218a83e0d6302aef53df972ddd2f14afc655ff68ba83b02e9f3c860033c67

It should work with the changes here: https://github.com/Ahrotahn/ungoogled-chromium/commit/e1f4d2e8823c035c45a5b3f4fc0a092ab5b89253

I took a look at their recipes and modified the arch fetch script in an attempt to recreate the tarball as closely as I could:

script ```bash #!/bin/bash # https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/tools/build/+/main:recipes/recipes/publish_tarball.py # https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/tools/build/+/main:recipes/recipe_modules/chromium/resources/export_tarball.py set -e readonly VERSION=$1 if [[ -z $VERSION ]]; then echo >&2 'No version given as an argument' exit 1 fi mkdir -p checkout cd checkout cat >.gclient </dev/null done cd .. mv src ../chromium-$VERSION ```

The largest differences between this and the regular tarball:

If we can eventually generate a source directory equivalent to the tarball, then in the future we'd be able to work on minor releases before the archive is available instead of having to wait over eight hours before we can even begin work.

Interestingly I found that there is an issue with their script. They remove files with ChangeLog in the name which removes chrome/browser/download/internal/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/download/home/metrics/FilterChangeLogger.java from the tarball. I wonder how many headaches that has given to chromium android devs 🤣.

a61kt commented 2 years ago

@Ahrotahn thanks

its broken

[ 206s] ln: failed to create symbolic link 'third_party/jdk/current/bin/': No such file or directory

but ur ungoogled repo seems to work with @jstkdng 2gb tarball https://build.opensuse.org/package/live_build_log/home:Area51Kacz:branches:home:ungoogled_chromium:testing/ungoogled-chromium/Arch/x86_64

PF4Public commented 2 years ago

If it helps, here's an archive of what I've made a functional build from: https://bitwisefool.com/chromium-103.0.5060.114.tar.xz sha256: fd9218a83e0d6302aef53df972ddd2f14afc655ff68ba83b02e9f3c860033c67

@Ahrotahn Would you mind us using this tarball? I'm asking because if I use this link in my ebuild, every Gentoo user who is trying to build ungoogled-chromium, will download this tarball, which could [significantly] affect traffic usage on that host.

Ahrotahn commented 2 years ago

@a61kt You would need to create the directory before making the link. The original script had a find command that emptied out the contents of the directory which I removed due to already being in the directory removal array, but this removes the empty directory as well. Maybe I should swap that back out or add mkdir -p third_party/jdk/current/bin/ to the script.

@PF4Public I don't mind, but I do have a 1TB bandwidth limit so I'd only be able to serve ~700 copies before I'd have to remove the archive. Hopefully that's more than enough to last until the official tarball becomes available.

a61kt commented 2 years ago

@Ahrotahn dumb idea can u use mega or another cloud service cz it will take soome time

the buildbot seems fixed but google will take some time (i predict 3-4days)

PF4Public commented 2 years ago

@Ahrotahn Big thanks! Builds and runs!

squid-f commented 2 years ago

Hi. Weird. openSUSE has updated to 66, and I haven't seen any announcement for it. Indeed, 103.0.5060.66 is downloadable at the usual source tarball location; which I thought should not be, if not officially announced as a stable or a beta???

squid-f commented 2 years ago

That being said, ....114 is announced only for Windows so far: https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/2022/07/stable-channel-update-for-desktop.html Or am I overlooking something?

networkException commented 2 years ago

At least arch has updated to 103.0.5060.114 and ubuntu as well as nix have discussed the tarball being unavailable on the chromium bug tracker...

PF4Public commented 2 years ago

That being said, ....114 is announced only for Windows so far: https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/2022/07/stable-channel-update-for-desktop.html Or am I overlooking something?

I was already wondering about that: https://github.com/ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium/issues/2011#issuecomment-1174148930

PS: Tarball available