unhcr / koboloadeR

deprecated please use {kobocruncher} - https://edouard-legoupil.github.io/kobocruncher/
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Improve configuration of hiearchical frames from a survey #3

Closed Edouard-Legoupil closed 5 years ago

Edouard-Legoupil commented 6 years ago

Ideally the configuration of the project should be entirely done in https://github.com/unhcr/koboloadeR/blob/master/inst/script/0-config.R

When the survey includes repeat element and nested data frame, the links between frames needs to be configured in order to map properly the frame with dictionary generated from kobo_dico: https://github.com/unhcr/koboloadeR/blob/master/R/kobo_dico.R

As the nested frame naming follows some logic inherited from the regular export from ODK briefcase, it should be possible to extract the required configuration

This not yet implemented in the config file -- and the various nested frame still needs to be configures manually throughout the workflow (load data - calculate indicator - generate report).

Edouard-Legoupil commented 6 years ago

Probably to be packaged together with #8 - this ergonomic enhancement will probably gain from a shiny interface....

Edouard-Legoupil commented 5 years ago

Note that we have here the beginning of a shiny app that can help facilitating this initial configuration: https://github.com/unhcr/koboloadeR/blob/gh-pages/inst/shiny_app/app_koboloadeR.R