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create an indicator creation interface (shiny) #36

Closed Edouard-Legoupil closed 5 years ago

Edouard-Legoupil commented 5 years ago

Different cases to consider:

  1. Discretize a value (using cut)
  2. Re categorize a categorical variable by re coding modalities (using fct_recode)
  3. Sum up different numeric or integer variables
  4. Calculate min, max or avg value for multiple integer or numeric variables
  5. Set condition on specific variables (using ifelse)
  6. Calculate ratio by dividing 2 numeric or integer variables
  7. aggregate variables from nested frame (inc ase of hierarchical data set using dcast)

Indicators creation can be chained. The interface to be developed in shiny for non expert users - allowing to build the corresponding R code and to place the newly created indicator within the same analysis plan that the collected variables.