unhcr / koboloadeR

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Submit to RIDL. #64

Closed galalH closed 3 years ago

galalH commented 3 years ago
galalH commented 3 years ago

Quick explainer on how this works:

You'll want to start by loading the form and data from KoBo:

formf <- 
    src = "kobo",
    dataset = "My kobo project",
    file = "form.xls") 

dataf <- 
    src = "kobo",
    dataset = "My kobo project",
    file = "data.json") 

Call kobo_prepare_form() to add the ridl-metadata sheets before launching the RIDL Metadata Editor RStudio Add-in (also accessible thru kobo_edit_ridl_metadata()).

While editing the sheet you'll have access to two variables ridl_container and ridl_dataset -exported from the data- which can be accessed from the ridl-metadata sheet by enclosing them in braces. The content of the braces is actually evaluated as an R expression with the two named variables in scope, so any necessary manipulations can be done there as well. The presence of the both variables in the data is optional - in which case the relevant information should be hard-coded in the ridl-metadata sheet and everything will end up in the same dataset/container.

Finally, when all is said and done, you can call kobo_submit_to_ridl(formf, dataf) to push the data to RIDL. The function takes care of massaging the submission into the format expected by RIDL. In case you'd like to submit treated data -anything other than the JSON KoBo export- you'll have to prepare the data in the right format manually. See resources.data and resources.meta in the kobo_ridl.R for details on the data structure.