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add Team Tool Box App #63

Closed lduboeuf closed 7 years ago

michielbdejong commented 7 years ago

Great app! What did you use to build it? Does it use client-side templating? And how are collections/objects stored in remoteStorage?

raucao commented 7 years ago

When you try it and put some data in, you can check the teams category in e.g. https://remotestorage-browser.5apps.com

lduboeuf commented 7 years ago

thanks @michielbdejong , i use doTjs for client side rendering and several stuffs , you can have a look in my github project: https://github.com/lduboeuf/team-tool-box I will appreciate if you have any advice concerning data structuration, remostorage use or the project itself.

raucao commented 7 years ago

By the way, would be nice to explain the purpose of the app a bit more (readme and/or "About" page). I couldn't quite understand it. Perhaps by describing your own use case as an example for what it can do.

lduboeuf commented 7 years ago

humm you did not find any About page in top right (desktop) or top left (mobile) ?

raucao commented 7 years ago

Yes, I did. But it doesn't really say what problem the app is solving, i.e. what it's supposed to be used for.

lduboeuf commented 7 years ago

allright, i will add some info soon thanks. As a trainer i use it within my group for practical exercices or projects choose a leader, etc...

lduboeuf commented 7 years ago

humm, i think i did not well defined paths, i have "/teams/team/xxxx" maybe should be enough(better) to have "/teams/xxxx" directly ? As well for members of a teams, is it better to have a root path like "/peoples/xxxx" and link them in an array in "/team/xxx/members" object ?

raucao commented 7 years ago

I think it would be better to discuss things like that over at https://community.remotestorage.io/c/app-development -- this is only the pull request for the app catalog page on the Unhosted website after all.

lduboeuf commented 7 years ago

oh yes sorry, i will ask there then