Closed hagersalehahmed closed 11 months ago
Hi, hagersalehahmed,
From what I understand of your question, did you attempt to use '' for training? If so, I recommend unzipping the file into a .nii.gz format before using our code. As shown in our example, only .nii.gz is supported now.
When I tried to train the liver tumor, I added it to the datapath
But when I run python this error is displayed why? the end file of nifti data in the path does not exist, why add nii.gz at the end of file name
RuntimeError: Exception thrown in SimpleITK ImageFileReader_Execute: D:\a\1\sitk\Code\IO\src\sitkImageReaderBase.cxx:97: sitk::ERROR: The file "data/train/Liver_Tumor\imagesTr\" does not exist.