DARKARMY Hacking Tools Pack - A Penetration Testing Framework .
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Bug bounty tools #1

Open uniAIDevs opened 3 months ago

uniAIDevs commented 3 months ago

@codeautopilot I would like to integrate OWASP ZAP as a bug bounty tool to my codebase. It has been my goal to add a bug bounty tool for this pentesting repository. Offer a way to integrate this in, via our pre existing codebase.

codeautopilot[bot] commented 3 months ago

🤖 Hey there. Your task doesn't have enough context. Can you please explain in more detail what you want to do?

Please break down the task into smaller, actionable items. For example, specify if you need assistance with setting up OWASP ZAP in a CI/CD pipeline, creating configuration files, or writing scripts to automate scanning. Additionally, clarify if there are specific parts of the codebase or types of scans you are interested in integrating with OWASP ZAP.

You can edit the issue's description with more info and I'll run a new analysis on your issue.