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[DEPRECATED] Estático – Static site generator for frontend unicorns
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adjusted the gitignore settings for IntelliJ IDEA #28

Closed swey closed 7 years ago

swey commented 7 years ago

It's not necessary to exclude all files in the .idea folder, it's even better not to do

See: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839-How-to-manage-projects-under-Version-Control-Systems

backflip commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the PR! Since I don't use Jetbrain IDEs: What are this files used for exactly? Is this something to be identical for every developer involved?

swey commented 7 years ago

Well, actually even the most JetBrains IDE users do it wrong ;)

Not ignoring the files is helpful for working in a team, e.g. setting up IDE inspections, plugin settings (e.g. the usage of ES6) etc. Only the files with user based data need to be ignored.

With this change in the .gitignore estatico will be even more ready to use.