unicef / etools-partner-reporting-portal

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No value for $ disbursement & resposnse to HRP in PRP #756

Open KKaselkar opened 6 years ago

KKaselkar commented 6 years ago

IP PRP - > https://etools-test.unicef.org/ Chrome browser Country - > Iraq Vendor Name - > AGENCY FOR TECHNICAL & EMERGENCY DEV.

In PRP the $ disbursement & In response to HRP doesn’t show any amount but in PMP there is an amount.

@ Rob guess this needs to exposed in the API to be displayed in PRP?

KKaselkar commented 6 years ago


PRP screenshot image

sethgold8 commented 6 years ago

ravram@unicef.org is it possible to send these fields in PD SYNC API?

We are not getting them at the moment https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UszKVaSLL4knXViPm00E2D_MyJlc59je/view?usp=sharing

robertavram commented 6 years ago

sure.. I'll look into it asap

robertavram commented 6 years ago

@KKaselkar you never updated the ticket with exact field mapping... we need that asap!

KKaselkar commented 6 years ago

$ disbursement to date (%) must display the below progress bar from the progress tab image

For in response to an HRP -

If an indicator is marked as high frequency humanitarian indicator in PD then the in response to an HRP must display "Yes" in PRP

If there is no indicator marked as high frequency humanitarian indicator in PD in PMP then the response to an HRP must displays "N/A"

robertavram commented 6 years ago

Note that there were no such requirements as you're describing for "In response to HRP" at least I've never heard of this requirement. @sethgold8 this is on your end... are you aware of this? also @KKaselkar note that what you're describing for % disbursement to date is a different number. Effectively what you're saying through this is that the number in PRP should be shown from the number in PMP that comes from PRP... Very confusing... I think you mean Total FR Actuals in local currency... please consult with Marcin and clarify this card after.

KKaselkar commented 6 years ago

@robertavram consulted Marcin and requirements are clarified with Nazeef. If $ disbursement to date progress bar comes from PRP then it shouldn't be a major change.

Also there is mockup which were created for this page: https://projects.invisionapp.com/share/RDBE0T04F#/screens/230016131

sethgold8 commented 6 years ago

@KKaselkar in PRP we don't do anything related to disbursement to date or in response to HRP values. We simply display the information sync from PMP side. In order to display these values, PMP API needs to include those fields.

KKaselkar commented 6 years ago

@robertavram can you please provide the details in API when the PD has high frequency humanitarian indicator marked. so the system can work as below:

For in response to an HRP -

If an indicator is marked as high frequency humanitarian indicator in PD then the in response to an HRP must display "Yes" in PRP

If there is no indicator marked as high frequency humanitarian indicator in PD in PMP then the response to an HRP must displays "N/A"

KKaselkar commented 5 years ago

for $ disbursement value in PRP, system must display the total disbursement amount along with the percentage, in case there is not value for any record system must display 0 (0%)