Set up automatic continuous integration (CI) testing for new pull requests with TravisCI
There are many different CI platforms out there. I did some research of different platforms, and thought TravisCI was the best fit for our use case.
CI is valuable and helpful for an open source project because it prevents mistakes from landing into the code, both by active and new contributors. GitHub also has handy integration with various CI platforms, like Travis, that make it easy to get quick feedback on PRs and give feedback when things aren't right.
In my fork, I tried setting up TravisCI with this config file. I got it running, but it errored out (see log). Some sort of regression was introduced since 90c6e29623947f5b022cdecd5e5062c97650f3bc (I'm working on figuring out what) – this ticket is blocked by #30.
Automatic testing for new contributions to make sure mistakes don't make it into the code; quick feedback to contributors if a change they make accidentally breaks the project
Set up automatic continuous integration (CI) testing for new pull requests with TravisCI
There are many different CI platforms out there. I did some research of different platforms, and thought TravisCI was the best fit for our use case.
CI is valuable and helpful for an open source project because it prevents mistakes from landing into the code, both by active and new contributors. GitHub also has handy integration with various CI platforms, like Travis, that make it easy to get quick feedback on PRs and give feedback when things aren't right.
In my fork, I tried setting up TravisCI with this config file. I got it running, but it errored out (see log). Some sort of regression was introduced since 90c6e29623947f5b022cdecd5e5062c97650f3bc (I'm working on figuring out what) – this ticket is blocked by #30.
Automatic testing for new contributions to make sure mistakes don't make it into the code; quick feedback to contributors if a change they make accidentally breaks the project
Tagging unicef/magicbox#6 for tracking.