unicfdlab / TrainingTracks

Materials for training tracks for continua media - OpenFOAM, vortex method, and other
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fatal error with polyMesh #27

Open DaydreamAtNight opened 2 years ago

DaydreamAtNight commented 2 years ago

after I successfully comply myChtPimpleCentralFoam followed the gasThermoCoupled traning materials

I cd to the case/bluffCone or case/bluffCone-RAS to test myChtPimpleCentralFoam, but I got this fatal error with the fluid binary polymesh

Expected a ')' while reading binaryBlock, found on line 20: error at stream position 158545

file: /tpvwork/tpvaero/tpvaero02/CFD/CFD_Methoden/PERSONAL/lsr/1_learn/2nd_learn_openFoam/3_weeks_learn_series/day12-programming/3_couple_heat_gas_solid/gasThermoCoupled/gasThermoCoupled-OF4.1/cases/bluffCone/constant/fluid/polyMesh/faces at line 20.

    From bool Foam::Istream::readEnd(const char*)
    in file db/IOstreams/IOstreams/Istream.C at line 134.

FOAM exiting

and there is no blockMeshDict or snappyHexMeshDict in the system\fluid directory. I can't generate a new mesh.

Then I went to try the case/laminar or case/RAS, same problem rises with the solid/polyMesh/faces file.

How can I deal with it?

Thanks in advance.

mkraposhin commented 2 years ago

Hi, can you specify name of OpenFOAM version which you are using? Tell also which version of the training track you want run