unicode-org / icu4x

Solving i18n for client-side and resource-constrained environments.
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Refresh our codecov CI #2701

Open zbraniecki opened 1 year ago

zbraniecki commented 1 year ago

Our codecov CI uses grcov with setup from before Rust started supporting instrument-coverage natively.

I'm going to check if we can get better coverage if we update to either use modern grcov or maybe use an alternative like https://github.com/taiki-e/cargo-llvm-cov

sffc commented 3 months ago

According to @ambiguousname we also need to update from v3 to v4 of the GitHub Action.

ambiguousname commented 3 months ago

To clarify, the part of the workflow that needs upgrading is codecov/codecov-action@v3. Per https://github.com/marketplace/actions/codecov, a token is required for code coverage. That requires following this guide here, for whoever has access to the repo's secrets: https://docs.codecov.com/docs/github-2-getting-a-codecov-account-and-uploading-coverage

ambiguousname commented 3 months ago

Although it seems like there's some redundancy in the workflow, since grcov seems to be able to push to both coveralls and codecov, so we could just remove the part of the workflow that pushes to codecov.

sffc commented 3 months ago

Good point! I changed https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x/pull/4922 to keep uploading to coveralls and just not codecov. I think we had it uploading to both tools because we couldn't decide which one was better.