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Data key thoughts #4991

Open robertbastian opened 6 months ago

robertbastian commented 6 months ago

Current architecture:

pub trait DataMarker { ... }
pub trait DynamicDataProvider<M: DataMarker> { load(&self, DataKey, DataRequest) }

pub trait KeyedDataMarker: DataMarker { const KEY: DataKey; }
pub trait DataProvider<M: KeyedDataMarker> { load(&self, DataRequest) }

Proposal 1: Align data marker names with data provider names

pub trait DynamicDataMarker { ... }
pub trait DynamicDataProvider<M: DynamicDataMarker> { load(&self, DataKey, DataRequest) }

pub trait DataMarker: DynamicDataMarker { const KEY: DataKey; }
pub trait DataProvider<M: DataMarker> { load(&self, DataRequest) }

Proposal 2: Get rid of "data key" terminology

pub trait DynamicDataMarker { ... }
pub trait DynamicDataProvider<M: DynamicDataMarker> { load(&self, DataMarkerInfo, DataRequest) }

pub trait DataMarker: DynamicDataMarker { const INFO: DataMarkerInfo; }
pub trait DataProvider<M: DataMarker> { load(&self, DataRequest) }

Proposal 3: DataMarkerInfo.path becomes DataMarkerInfo.name

Proposal 4: Split DataMarkerInfo's fields (maybe)

pub trait DataMarker: DynamicDataMarker { 
  const NAME: DataMarkerName;
  const IS_SINGLETON: bool;
  const FALLBACK_CONFIG: LocaleFallbackConfig;
sffc commented 6 months ago

Initial thoughts:

  1. OK with Proposal 1
  2. This is a somewhat radical change to the mental model, but I can buy into it because I've never been a huge fan of the term "key", and you're right that "data marker" and "data key" refer to very similar concepts
  3. I agree with the problems you laid out, but I also feel that the directory-like structure has been useful to us. I think if we did Proposal 3 we should do the variant where we use the fully qualified marker name, maybe eliding the "provider" since it will be the same for all markers. icu_list/AndListV1Marker
  4. I think I do prefer inlining the fields to the DataMarker trait directly.
sffc commented 6 months ago

We could have both inlined const fields and a helper DataMarkerInfo

pub trait DataMarker: DynamicDataMarker { 
  const NAME: DataMarkerName;
  const IS_SINGLETON: bool;
  const FALLBACK_CONFIG: LocaleFallbackConfig;

pub struct DataMarkerInfo {
  pub name: DataMarkerName;
  pub is_singleton: bool;
  pub fallback_config: LocaleFallbackConfig;

impl DataMarkerInfo {
  pub fn from_marker<M: DataMarker>() -> Self { /* ... */ }

pub trait DynamicDataProvider<M: DynamicDataMarker> { load(&self, DataMarkerInfo, DataRequest) }

But I guess if you do that you might as well just make DataMarkerInfo a const field, as in Proposal 3.

sffc commented 6 months ago

Summary of additional discussion later:

Manishearth commented 6 months ago

But the "Marker" name is overloaded

to expand on this a little bit (but not to rabbithole too deep because I don't care about "Marker" strongly): I find Marker to be a good default, but it's nice when it can be replaced with a useful concept name instead. I think we may have options here.

one thing I proposed in that discussion that isn't included here was encoding the heirarchy in the trait, so you can have something like:

impl DataMarker for DaySymbolsV1Marker {
   const COMPONENT = "datetime";
   const SUBCOMPONENT = Some("symbols");
sffc commented 5 months ago

Notes from the scratch pad:

pub fn try_new_unstable<D>(
    provider: &D,
    locale: &DataLocale,
    options: CollatorOptions
) -> Result<Self, DataError>
    D: DataProvider<CollationSpecialPrimariesV1Marker> + DataProvider<CollationDataV1Marker> + DataProvider<CollationDiacriticsV1Marker> + DataProvider<CollationJamoV1Marker> + DataProvider<CollationMetadataV1Marker> + DataProvider<CollationReorderingV1Marker> + DataProvider<CanonicalDecompositionDataV1Marker> + DataProvider<CanonicalDecompositionTablesV1Marker> + ?Sized,

pub fn try_new_unstable<D>(
    provider: &D,
    locale: &DataLocale,
    options: CollatorOptions
) -> Result<Self, DataError>
    D: DataProvider<Collation_SpecialPrimaries_V1> + DataProvider<Collation_Data_V1> + DataProvider<Collation_Diacritics_V1> + DataProvider<Collation_Jamo_V1> + DataProvider<Collation_Metadata_V1> + DataProvider<Collation_Reordering_V1> + DataProvider<Collator_CanonicalDecomposition_Data_V1> + DataProvider<Collation_CanonicalDecomposition_Tables_V1> + ?Sized,

pub fn try_new_unstable<D>(
    provider: &D,
    locale: &DataLocale,
    options: FixedDecimalFormatterOptions
) -> Result<Self, DataError>
    D: DataProvider<DecimalSymbolsV1Marker> + ?Sized

pub fn try_new_unstable<D>(
    provider: &D,
    locale: &DataLocale,
    options: FixedDecimalFormatterOptions
) -> Result<Self, DataError>
    D: DataProvider<Decimal_Symbols_V1> + ?Sized

Current: DangiDatePatternV1Marker + “datetime/patterns/dangi/date@1” Shane Proposes: DateTime_Patterns_Date_Dangi_V1 Rob Proposes: DatetimePatternsDateDangiV1Marker, icu::datetime::provider::patterns::date::DangiV1Marker

where: P: DataProvider<patterns::date::DangiV1Marker> + DataProvider<patterns::date::GregorianV1Marker> ...

where: P: DataProvider<DateTime_Patterns_Date_Dangi_V1> + DataProvider<DateTime_Patterns_Date_Gregorian_V1> ...




sffc commented 2 months ago


Some proposals:

More discussion:


LGTM: @sffc @robertbastian @Manishearth

sffc commented 6 days ago

I am assigned this issue for 2.0 to do an audit of datetime markers. [^1]

The audit, whether in icu_datetime or elsewhere, brings back the data marker naming discussion where we are at an impasse (the lack of an option that has no veto); see https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x/issues/5276. I do not know how I am expected to perform the audit without having a consensus on how to name things.

I would like to therefore propose the following rules which largely encode the status quo but make a few changes that better enforce consistency and circumvents the casing controversy by avoiding types that would trigger it, like we did for datetime field sets.

Thing Description Naming Rule Example: icu_decimal Example: icu_datetime
Data struct A data struct that is the Yokeable of a data marker Based on the data it holds and/or the context in which it is used, with version number, without crate namespace SymbolsV1 MonthNamesV1
Helper type A struct or enum that is a field of a data struct but is not itself the Yokeable of a data marker Based on the data it holds and/or the context in which it is used, without version number, with optional crate namespace DecimalSymbolStrs PackedPluralElements
Data marker A non-exhaustive unit struct used in try_new_unstable function bounds Based on the associated data struct. No crate namespace. Suffixed with "Marker". May add an infix before the version number if there are multiple markers using the same data struct. Usually exported directly from the provider module in the crate. SymbolsV1Marker MonthNamesGregorian
Data path A string associated with a data marker which forms the basis for the hash key and filesystem paths Directly derived from the data marker name by converting it to snake case, changing V1Marker to @1, and adding the crate name prefix without icu_. If there is an infix (which we can detect by comparing the data struct name to the data marker name), the infix is separated by a slash instead of an underscore in the path. decimal/symbols@1 datetime/month_names/
Bounds in ctors The type that is written in the bound of try_new_unstable and shows up in docs If the marker is in the same crate as the ctor, import it. If the marker is in a different crate, use the fully qualified path. icu_decimal::provider::

(fully qualified only if cross-crate)

(fully qualified only if cross-crate)
Datagen arguments How data markers can be specified as arguments to icu4x-datagen Path names only. No marker names. decimal/symbols@1 datetime/month_names/

There's a lot to digest in that table, but I think we can only have a productive discussion holistically.

I'll highlight a few key changes in this proposal:

  1. Marker names no longer have a crate prefix. This is done to circumvent the casing controversy.
  2. As a result, marker names are no longer accepted in icu4x-datagen, rolling back https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x/pull/5060
  3. A handful of types will undergo name changes in this proposal

Obviously @robertbastian isn't here to give feedback on this, but I don't know any other solution that is actionable. The alternative is "drop the datetime audit and leave everything as-is to revisit in 3.0", acknowledging that the status quo is a bit of a mess but that the TC was unable to reach consensus.

[^1]: There aren't that many data markers. The vast majority are the ones in the datetime crate, which we already slated for the audit, and the properties markers, which are generated by macros. So, I'm volunteering to do the audit for all crates in 2.0.

Manishearth commented 6 days ago

I'm in favor of this. I don't necessarily think we need to require qualification for cross crate stuff. Currently because of provider it will lead to long icu_decimal::provider::SymbolsV1 imports which isn't ... great. But it's ultimately fine.

sffc commented 6 days ago

I'm in favor of this. I don't necessarily think we need to require qualification for cross crate stuff. Currently because of provider it will lead to long icu_decimal::provider::SymbolsV1 imports which isn't ... great. But it's ultimately fine.

Part of my thinking was:

  1. We don't have that many cross-crate bounds
  2. The cross-crate bounds only show up in try_new_unstable<P>(...) where P: ..., not in try_new() with crate::provider::Baked: ...
  3. It's kind-of nice that cross-crate is more explicit since it is more likely to require special handling, such as the user needing to fork between multiple bake providers
sffc commented 6 days ago

Thought: we could make the infixed marker names be MonthNamesV1GregorianMarker. Then the path could always be derived directly from the marker name and vice-versa, without having to know the data struct name.

icu_foobar::provider::HelloWorldV1Marker <=> foobar/hello_world@1

icu_foobar::provider::HelloWorldV1LoremIpsumMarker <=> foobar/hello_world/lorem_ipsum@1

In other words, it would be possible to write a fn that maps from type_name::<M>() to the path name and vice-versa. I think this is one of the things @robertbastian would have liked to have seen in a solution here.

Manishearth commented 6 days ago

@sffc "we don't have many cross crate bounds" sells me. And yeah I don't mind the explicitness too much.

Thought: we could make the infixed marker names be MonthNamesV1GregorianMarker. Then the path could always be derived directly from the marker name and vice-versa, without having to know the data struct name.

Yeah this makes a lot of sense to me! I think we prefixed it because we always did, but I actually don't see a strong reason to prefix.

sffc commented 6 days ago

Yeah this makes a lot of sense to me! I think we prefixed it because we always did, but I actually don't see a strong reason to prefix.

Just highlighting that my last reply above was to put the infix between the "V1" and the "Marker"?

The rule for naming a data marker would be: [Struct]V[Version][Infix]Marker

If we do [Struct][Infix]V[Version]Marker, it is not as easy to figure out what part of the name is Struct and which part is Infix, which matters for the path conversion.

Manishearth commented 6 days ago

Just highlighting that my last reply above was to put the infix between the "V1" and the "Marker"?

Oh, I see. Hmmmmm. I'd rather have it always be V1Marker but I'm not that picky about it.

sffc commented 6 days ago

Just highlighting that my last reply above was to put the infix between the "V1" and the "Marker"?

Oh, I see. Hmmmmm. I'd rather have it always be V1Marker but I'm not that picky about it.

I had the thought, "isn't it nice to search for V1Marker and find everything", but then I realized that there are V2Marker, V3Marker, etc. With this new naming convention, you can still grep for V\d\w*Marker.

sffc commented 6 days ago

Also, a possible advantage of this naming scheme is that the data struct name is fully a substring of the data marker name. If the data struct is SymbolsV1, you either stuff Marker or InfixMarker at the end of it, but the prefix will always be the data struct name.