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Investigate useless metazones #5793

Closed robertbastian closed 1 week ago

robertbastian commented 2 weeks ago


All zones that have been in the same metazone or no metazone forever, and have always been the only zone in that metazone:

  TZ "afkbl" (Afghanistan Time) in MZ "afgh" (Afghanistan Time)
! TZ "wsapw" (Samoa Time) in MZ "apia" (Apia Time)
  TZ "amevn" (Armenia Time) in MZ "arme" (Armenia Time)
! TZ "aueuc" (Eucla Time) in MZ "aucw" (Australian Central Western Time)
  TZ "azbak" (Azerbaijan Time) in MZ "azer" (Azerbaijan Time)
  TZ "bddac" (Bangladesh Time) in MZ "bang" (Bangladesh Time)
  TZ "bolpb" (Bolivia Time) in MZ "boli" (Bolivia Time)
! TZ "bnbwn" (Brunei Time) in MZ "brun" (Brunei Darussalam Time)
  TZ "cvrai" (Cape Verde Time) in MZ "cave" (Cape Verde Time)
  TZ "nzcht" (Chatham Time) in MZ "chat" (Chatham Time)
  TZ "cxxch" (Christmas Island Time) in MZ "chri" (Christmas Island Time)
! TZ "cccck" (Cocos (Keeling) Islands Time) in MZ "coco" (Cocos Islands Time)
  TZ "cobog" (Colombia Time) in MZ "colo" (Colombia Time)
  TZ "ckrar" (Cook Islands Time) in MZ "cook" (Cook Islands Time)
  TZ "cuhav" (Cuba Time) in MZ "cuba" (Cuba Time)
  TZ "aqdav" (Davis Time) in MZ "davi" (Davis Time)
! TZ "aqddu" (Dumont d’Urville Time) in MZ "dumo" (Dumont-d’Urville Time)
! TZ "clipc" (Easter Time) in MZ "east" (Easter Island Time)
  TZ "fkpsy" (Falkland Islands Time) in MZ "falk" (Falkland Islands Time)
  TZ "fjsuv" (Fiji Time) in MZ "fiji" (Fiji Time)
  TZ "gfcay" (French Guiana Time) in MZ "frgu" (French Guiana Time)
! TZ "tfpfr" (French Southern Territories Time) in MZ "frso" (French Southern & Antarctic Time)
  TZ "pfgmr" (Gambier Time) in MZ "gamb" (Gambier Time)
  TZ "getbs" (Georgia Time) in MZ "geor" (Georgia Time)
! TZ "kitrw" (Tarawa Time) in MZ "giis" (Gilbert Islands Time)
  TZ "gygeo" (Guyana Time) in MZ "guya" (Guyana Time)
  TZ "hkhkg" (Hong Kong Time) in MZ "hoko" (Hong Kong Time)
  TZ "mnhvd" (Hovd Time) in MZ "hovd" (Hovd Time)
! TZ "iddjj" (Jayapura Time) in MZ "inea" (Eastern Indonesia Time)
! TZ "iodga" (British Indian Ocean Territory Time) in MZ "inoc" (Indian Ocean Time)
  TZ "irthr" (Iran Time) in MZ "iran" (Iran Time)
  TZ "jptyo" (Japan Time) in MZ "japa" (Japan Time)
! TZ "rupkc" (Kamchatka Time) in MZ "kamc" (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski Time)
  TZ "fmksa" (Kosrae Time) in MZ "kosr" (Kosrae Time)
  TZ "kgfru" (Kyrgyzstan Time) in MZ "kyrg" (Kyrgyzstan Time)
! TZ "kicxi" (Kiritimati Time) in MZ "liis" (Line Islands Time)
  TZ "mvmle" (Maldives Time) in MZ "mald" (Maldives Time)
  TZ "pfnhv" (Marquesas Time) in MZ "marq" (Marquesas Time)
  TZ "muplu" (Mauritius Time) in MZ "maur" (Mauritius Time)
  TZ "aqmaw" (Mawson Time) in MZ "maws" (Mawson Time)
  TZ "mnuln" (Ulaanbaatar Time) in MZ "mong" (Ulaanbaatar Time)
  TZ "mmrgn" (Myanmar Time) in MZ "myan" (Myanmar Time)
  TZ "nrinu" (Nauru Time) in MZ "naur" (Nauru Time)
  TZ "ncnou" (New Caledonia Time) in MZ "neca" (New Caledonia Time)
  TZ "npktm" (Nepal Time) in MZ "nepa" (Nepal Time)
! TZ "casjf" (St. John’s Time) in MZ "newf" (Newfoundland Time)
  TZ "nuiue" (Niue Time) in MZ "niue" (Niue Time)
  TZ "nfnlk" (Norfolk Island Time) in MZ "norf" (Norfolk Island Time)
! TZ "brfen" (Noronha Time) in MZ "noro" (Fernando de Noronha Time)
  TZ "ruoms" (Omsk Time) in MZ "omsk" (Omsk Time)
  TZ "pkkhi" (Pakistan Time) in MZ "paki" (Pakistan Time)
  TZ "pwror" (Palau Time) in MZ "pala" (Palau Time)
  TZ "pyasu" (Paraguay Time) in MZ "para" (Paraguay Time)
  TZ "pelim" (Peru Time) in MZ "peru" (Peru Time)
! TZ "phmnl" (Philippines Time) in MZ "phil" (Philippine Time)
! TZ "kipho" (Enderbury Time) in MZ "phis" (Phoenix Islands Time)
! TZ "pnpcn" (Pitcairn Islands Time) in MZ "pitc" (Pitcairn Time)
! TZ "fmpni" (Pohnpei Time) in MZ "pona" (Ponape Time)
  TZ "rereu" (Réunion Time) in MZ "reun" (Réunion Time)
  TZ "aqrot" (Rothera Time) in MZ "roth" (Rothera Time)
  TZ "ruuus" (Sakhalin Time) in MZ "sakh" (Sakhalin Time)
  TZ "scmaw" (Seychelles Time) in MZ "seyc" (Seychelles Time)
! TZ "sgsin" (Singapore Time) in MZ "sing" (Singapore Standard Time)
! TZ "gsgrv" (South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands Time) in MZ "soge" (South Georgia Time)
  TZ "sbhir" (Solomon Islands Time) in MZ "solo" (Solomon Islands Time)
  TZ "srpbm" (Suriname Time) in MZ "suri" (Suriname Time)
  TZ "aqsyw" (Syowa Time) in MZ "syow" (Syowa Time)
  TZ "pfppt" (Tahiti Time) in MZ "tahi" (Tahiti Time)
! TZ "twtpe" (Taiwan Time) in MZ "taip" (Taipei Time)
  TZ "tjdyu" (Tajikistan Time) in MZ "taji" (Tajikistan Time)
  TZ "tkfko" (Tokelau Time) in MZ "toke" (Tokelau Time)
  TZ "totbu" (Tonga Time) in MZ "tong" (Tonga Time)
  TZ "fmtkk" (Chuuk Time) in MZ "truk" (Chuuk Time)
  TZ "tmasb" (Turkmenistan Time) in MZ "turk" (Turkmenistan Time)
  TZ "tvfun" (Tuvalu Time) in MZ "tuva" (Tuvalu Time)
  TZ "uymvd" (Uruguay Time) in MZ "urug" (Uruguay Time)
  TZ "vuvli" (Vanuatu Time) in MZ "vanu" (Vanuatu Time)
  TZ "veccs" (Venezuela Time) in MZ "vene" (Venezuela Time)
  TZ "ruvog" (Volgograd Time) in MZ "volg" (Volgograd Time)
  TZ "aqvos" (Vostok Time) in MZ "vost" (Vostok Time)
! TZ "umawk" (Wake Time) in MZ "wake" (Wake Island Time)
  TZ "wfmau" (Wallis & Futuna Time) in MZ "wall" (Wallis & Futuna Time)
  TZ "ruyek" (Yekaterinburg Time) in MZ "yeka" (Yekaterinburg Time)