Solving #5562 by implementing algo from the article for the Gregorian calendar.
The article: "Euclidean Affine Functions and Applications to Calendar Algorithms" by Cassio Neri & Lorenz Schneider (Feb. 2021).
Draft PR:
As I understand there is many places where parts of the logic is used and I only change the main file.
Also need to run/writes benchmarks in the repo (by now, I run benches only in local pseudo repo where I test the algo).
Also maybe with the same logic can be speeded up the Julian calendar.
Solving #5562 by implementing algo from the article for the Gregorian calendar. The article: "Euclidean Affine Functions and Applications to Calendar Algorithms" by Cassio Neri & Lorenz Schneider (Feb. 2021).
Draft PR: As I understand there is many places where parts of the logic is used and I only change the main file. Also need to run/writes benchmarks in the repo (by now, I run benches only in local pseudo repo where I test the algo). Also maybe with the same logic can be speeded up the Julian calendar.