uniconproject / unicon

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Permission to Reuse the Sublime Text Syntax in an MIT-Licensed Project #261

Closed tajmone closed 2 years ago

tajmone commented 2 years ago

I wanted to ask permission of re-using the config/editor/unicon.sublime-syntax file from this repository to create a derivative work under MIT License.

My goal is to create a full-fledged Sublime Text 4 package for Unicon, and I'd like to use the above file as my starting point and then gradually extend the original syntax file to leverage the new Sublime Text 4 features, as well as adding more package features.

I couldn't find any info about its original author and license, so the only safe assumption is to consider it being under the GNU GPLv2 license governing this repository.

Unfortunately the GPL license(s) don't play out well in the Sublime ecosystem, were the most common license used for packages and assets is the MIT License. Since for my new package I might need to reuse other third party components, the GPL license might lead to license conflict. So, I'm seeking:

  1. Permission to reuse config/editor/unicon.sublime-syntax in an MIT licensed derivate project for an Unicon package for Sublime Text (build >= 4000, aka "Sublime Text 4").
  2. Info about the original author(s) so I can duly credit him/her/them in my package/repository.
Jafaral commented 2 years ago

@tajmone permission granted. Contributions are welcome

tajmone commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot!

I'll update you with a link when the package is available (also a commit to the txt file with the links to editors packages).

tajmone commented 2 years ago

Some updates on the Unicon package...

I've managed to come up with a first release of the Sublime Unicon package for Sublime Text 4:


The package fixes various problems with the original syntax and applies some minor improvements too (which I've also submitted back here via PR #269).

Beside that, I've enabled the new ST4 syntax engine and added # comments settings. Not much, but a good start.

I've now submitted the repository to Package Control via pull request:


once the new package has been reviewed and approved (it's going to take a few weeks), end users will be able to install it via Sublime Text's native package manager. When this happens, I'll edit the config/editor/README file in this repository to mention the new package and provide a link to its entry at Package Control, and submit a PR.

Hopefully, the new package will grow in the course of time.

Jafaral commented 2 years ago

Excellent work @tajmone . Thank you for the improvements and also for going the extra mile to upstream the package to Sublime.

tajmone commented 2 years ago

Sublime Unicon Published

The Sublime Unicon package has been approved and it's now available on Package Control:


Sublime Text 4 users can now install it via the native package manager, which will keep it up to date automatically.

I've created PR #273 to add the new package to the list of supported editors in config/editor/REAMDE.