unicorn-engine / unicorn

Unicorn CPU emulator framework (ARM, AArch64, M68K, Mips, Sparc, PowerPC, RiscV, S390x, TriCore, X86)
GNU General Public License v2.0
7.67k stars 1.35k forks source link

Unicorn2 crashes but Unocorn1 ok #1915

Open kycgni opened 11 months ago

kycgni commented 11 months ago

In the simulation of the shellcode, I found that directly modifying the lower bits of cr7 would cause random crashes in Unicorn2, but Unicorn1 does not have this issue. Below is a code snippet that reproduces the problem. `static void test_i386(void) { uc_engine *uc; uc_err err; uc_hook trace1, trace2;

BYTE x86Code[] = {
    0xB8, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  //mov eax,0x7b
    0x0F, 0x23, 0x38,              //mov dr7,eax
    0xB8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7B,  //mov eax,0x7b
    0x0F, 0x23, 0x38,              //mov dr7,eax   

int r_esp = ADDRESS + 0x200000; // ESP register

printf("Emulate i386 code\n");

// Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
if (err) {
    printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);

// map 2MB memory for this emulation
uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

// write machine code to be emulated to memory
if (uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, x86Code,
                 sizeof(x86Code) - 1)) {
    printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");

// initialize machine registers
uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ESP, &r_esp);

// tracing all instructions by having @begin > @end
uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, 1, 0);

// handle interrupt ourself
uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_INTR, hook_intr, NULL, 1, 0);

printf("\n>>> Start tracing this Linux code\n");

// emulate machine code in infinite time
// err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(X86_CODE32_SELF), 0,
// 12); <--- emulate only 12 instructions
err =
    uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(x86Code) - 1, 0, 0);
if (err) {
    printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n", err,

printf("\n>>> Emulation done.\n");



kycgni commented 11 months ago

If only the following code is simulated, it works fine BYTE x86Code[] = { 0xB8, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //mov eax,0x01000000 0x0F, 0x23, 0x38, //mov dr7,eax //0xB8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7B, //mov eax,0x7b //0x0F, 0x23, 0x38, //mov dr7,eax };