unicorn-engine / unicorn

Unicorn CPU emulator framework (ARM, AArch64, M68K, Mips, Sparc, PowerPC, RiscV, S390x, TriCore, X86)
GNU General Public License v2.0
7.33k stars 1.31k forks source link

dec r11w causes memory exception #1957

Open IvankoEanko opened 1 month ago

IvankoEanko commented 1 month ago
000000014032BE79 | 6644:0FABD9             | bts cx,r11w                                          
000000014032BE83 | 0F83 6A3DF3FF         | jae hello.14025FBF3                  

my debugger executed this branch, but unicorn didn't.

IvankoEanko commented 1 month ago

error of calculation r11 register, that's why jae didn't execute

000000014032BE46 | 6641:FFCB               | dec r11w                                             |
000000014032BE4A | F7D2                    | not edx                                              |
000000014032BE4C | 48:FFC1                 | inc rcx                                              |
000000014032BE4F | FFC5                    | inc ebp                                              |
000000014032BE51 | 81F2 9231205D           | xor edx,5D203192                                     |
000000014032BE57 | F7DA                    | neg edx                                              |
000000014032BE59 | 4C:8D8C69 3C473EE4      | lea r9,qword ptr ds:[rcx+rbp*2-1BC1B8C4]             |
000000014032BE61 | 6641:0FAFC9             | imul cx,r9w                                          |
000000014032BE66 | 6644:899C4C 7A0F41D6    | mov word ptr ss:[rsp+rcx*2-29BEF086],r11w            |
000000014032BE6F | 13D0                    | adc edx,eax                                          |
000000014032BE71 | 4C:89844C 7A0F41D6      | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+rcx*2-29BEF086],r8             |
000000014032BE79 | 6644:0FABD9             | bts cx,r11w                                          |
000000014032BE7E | BE A3AB128B             | mov esi,8B12ABA3                                     |
000000014032BE83 | 0F83 6A3DF3FF           | jae hello.14025FBF3                          |

dec r11w causes exception. how it could be possible? image