unicruzallen-aliencode / Web-Scraping-Google-Results-Youtube-Videos

Web scraping Google results & Youtube videos with python modules Requests, Beautifulsoup and Selenium.
MIT License
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I am looking for a solution #1

Open OliveMegh opened 1 year ago

OliveMegh commented 1 year ago

Good afternoon! I would like to learn more about your programm. Im looking for a YouTube scraper that can gather information based on certain keywords. Do you have the scraper to collect the following information: channel name, channel link, location (geo), language, email, and social media links for the channel's blogger?

unicruzallen-aliencode commented 1 year ago

Hi I don't have that specific code but I just checked you can scrape the following under the about page of a channel:

Channel name
Number of subscribers Description (some channel put there business email here) Stats Location Social media

The business email is not easy to scrape because it have a captcha so you need a code that solve captcha first to show the business email of the channel

Then about the language YouTube don't have language indicator in a channel but if you wanna find out which language the user uses scrape some of its video titles then check the word what kind of language they most used

Last about the channel link you can't scrape a channel info without knowing the channel link first

OliveMegh commented 1 year ago

This is excellent news! I have a question for you regarding the scraper. I am completely satisfied with all the data that you have described, including the channel name, number of subscribers, description (some channels put their business email here), stats, location, and social media. Our company is interested in purchasing this scraper, and we would love to discuss potential cooperation with you. Please contact me at oliver@uptrend.agency so we can further discuss this opportunity.

unicruzallen-aliencode commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the opportunity but I suggest hire someone that can scrape info if that's the only thing you need for your company instead of buying the codes that scrape info because just like i stated in my code web scraping is like a ticking bomb anytime it will not work so you need a programmer to manage and maintain it everytime.

if you gonna add it to your current application as a feature it's better to hire a programmer that uses the same tech stack that you used in your application.

If you just gonna need the info of a specific YouTube channel maybe I can help you and if your company is here in the Philippines I can apply as a programmer but I need to know the reasons why and where you gonna use the info you can send me the details here unicruzallen.aliencode@gmail.com