unidoc / unipdf-examples

Examples for creating and processing PDF files with UniPDF https://github.com/unidoc/unipdf
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Errors in various example PDF files #226

Open petervwyatt opened 1 year ago

petervwyatt commented 1 year ago
petervwyatt commented 1 year ago

Further: in many example PDFs the Border Style dictionary is incorrect as it says /Subtype /Border. It should always be /Type /Border.

pdf-custom-toc.pdf unidoc-report-landscape.pdf unidoc-report.pdf unipdf-aviation-checklist.pdf unipdf-draw-lines.pdf unipdf-medical-bill.pdf unipdf-rental-agreement.pdf unipdf-security-report.pdf unipdf-tables.pdf unipdf-templates-documentation.pdf

gunnsth commented 1 year ago

Thanks @petervwyatt We will check that out. We do have PDF/A support which helps with conforming to certain sets of standards. But yeah for sure it makes sense to produce output that is consistent with PDF versioning, even though most viewers probably ignore unused properties. Were you using a specific tool to check this? Just wondering as it would make it easier to confirm when we address those items.

petervwyatt commented 1 year ago

For PDF/A (all versions) and PDF/UA-1 (if you support it), please be sure to use the latest veraPDF for compliance checking. Later versions have improved checks.

I used my Arlington PDF Model to detect these and then double-checked manually with the latest PDF 2.0 ISO spec. Note that Arlington is a data model and my software is only PoC - other implementers are taking the data model and making more robust and friendly software to report non-conformances.