unifi-utilities / unifios-utilities

A collection of enhancements for UnifiOS based devices
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cloudflare-ddns does not run #141

Open MRobi1 opened 3 years ago

MRobi1 commented 3 years ago

Having the same issue as seen here: https://github.com/boostchicken/udm-utilities/issues/89

my config.json is formatted correctly as verified by a json validator. I've attempted using api_token as well as api_key and also with having both configured in the config at the same time.

my zone_id is set as the alpha-numeric code as found partway down the overview page.

No matter how many times I ran the script, it did not create the container. Exactly as seen in the other post. Executing the run command from the script does create the container, but it does not run. I get the following error in the container log.

usage: cloudflare-ddns.py [-h] [--repeat REPEAT] [--config-path CONFIG] cloudflare-ddns.py: error: argument --repeat: expected one argument

timothymiller commented 3 years ago

Hello @MRobi1 I am a maintainer for cloudflare-ddns

Can you confirm this issue persists?

SamErde commented 3 years ago

@MRobi1 That error looks like you're not providing an expected argument to follow the --repeat: parameter.

Do you want to share your command line, with any private bits redacted?

MRobi1 commented 2 years ago

@timothymiller Sorry for the extremely long delayed response, I had forgotten all about this.

Just tried setting it up again today completely from scratch and getting the exact same error message on the --repeat parameter.

I do see the same issue in your own repo with a PR already done to fix it, so not sure where to take it from here.

MRobi1 commented 2 years ago

So today I updated to podman v3.2 and getting a different set of errors.

On first run

Your kernel does not support pids limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. PIDs limit discarded.
Error: opening seccomp profile failed: open /usr/share/containers/seccomp.json: no such file or directory

So I googled this and the seccomp error is a known error in podman v3.2.0. This can be fixed by adding the seccomp.json file from https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/containers-common/raw/rawhide/f/seccomp.json into the listed location.

After doing this I attempted again and now getting this error.

Your kernel does not support pids limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. PIDs limit discarded.
Error: OCI runtime error: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: error adding seccomp filter rule for syscall bdflush: requested action matches default action of filter

This also seems to be a podman 3.2.0 issue and the workaround is to install a container called crun which podman will use to run containers. Not sure if I want to go down that road since I don't want to mess up my other running containers...

kekonn commented 2 years ago

I am on podman 3.3 and also gettin gthe cgroup error:

# ./30-cloudflare-ddns.sh
✔ docker.io/timothyjmiller/cloudflare-ddns:latest
Trying to pull docker.io/timothyjmiller/cloudflare-ddns:latest...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 552d1f2373af done
Copying blob 0e41ad7c31f9 done
Copying blob 222389e8e52c done
Copying blob d5a39243d769 done
Copying blob d9a028fe6cc3 done
Copying blob 316b4a3a65c1 done
Copying blob 09160073212b done
Copying blob 31bb49234ac4 done
Copying config dabde28bf4 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
Your kernel does not support pids limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. PIDs limit discarded.
# docker ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                      COMMAND     CREATED       STATUS          PORTS       NAMES
9ce4a0784a2e  localhost/unifi-os:latest  /sbin/init  3 months ago  Up 2 weeks ago              unifi-os
# podman logs cloudflare-ddns
Error: no container with name or ID "cloudflare-ddns" found: no such container
kekonn commented 2 years ago

Update: make sure to reboot the router. That fixed it for me!

MRobi1 commented 2 years ago

I saw there was an update to the config file a few days back so I figured that now was a good time to give this another try.

When executing the podman command, I got the same error as above.

Your kernel does not support pids limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. PIDs limit discarded.
Error: opening seccomp profile failed: open /usr/share/containers/seccomp.json: no such file or directory

BUT, this time when I ran podman ps there it was!! Checked the logs and all seems to be working as it should.