unifi-utilities / unifios-utilities

A collection of enhancements for UnifiOS based devices
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AdGuardhome CNI network "dns" not found #305

Closed heytcass closed 2 years ago

heytcass commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Following all the steps in the AdGuardHome README I keep getting the error ERRO[0000] CNI network "dns" not found after running the podman run step.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Follow the "Steps" section in AdGuardHome README
  2. Run Step 7: podman run -d --network dns --restart always --name adguardhome -v "/mnt/data/AdguardHome-Confdir/:/opt/adguardhome/conf/" -v "/mnt/data/AdguardHome-Workdir/:/opt/adguardhome/work/" --dns= --dns= --hostname adguardhome adguard/adguardhome:latest
  3. See error Error: error configuring network namespace for container e695e7ad4fde663c551ee481136d3e40a3efec008ff911f78953112d11ae8256: CNI network "dns" not found

Expected behavior Have the Podman pod deploy successfully, and be able to move on to Step 8.

Screenshots Screen Shot 2022-01-07 at 3 07 01 PM

UDM Information

Additional context Have udm-le working without issue.

gatesry commented 2 years ago

Post your .conflist and 10-dns.sh configs here. Also, run podman network ls and post the output.

Cliff-R-K commented 2 years ago

I just tried following the guide for setting up pi-hole and I get exactly the same error. .conflist and 10-dns.sh is untouched as I created my LAN to match the config. output from podman ls network is:

podman   0.4.0     bridge,portmap
gatesry commented 2 years ago

I'm not certain on this, but I don't believe your main UDM LAN can match the podman network. Try changing either your main LAN or config files to have a separate network.

Cliff-R-K commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I ment to say that I created my second LAN to match the config.

heytcass commented 2 years ago


Post your .conflist and 10-dns.sh configs here. Also, run podman network ls and post the output.

# cat /mnt/data/podman/cni/20-dns.conflist
  "cniVersion": "0.4.0",
  "name": "dns",
  "plugins": [
      "type": "macvlan",
      "mode": "bridge",
      "master": "br53",
      "mac": "98:F6:FD:42:12:4B",
      "ipam": {
        "type": "static",
        "addresses": [
            "address": "",
            "gateway": ""
        "routes": [
          {"dst": ""}
# cat /mnt/data/on_boot.d/10-dns.sh

## configuration variables:
# This is the IP address of the container. You may want to set it to match
# your own network structure such as or similar.
# As above, this should match the gateway of the VLAN for the container
# network as above which is usually the .1/24 range of the IPV4_IP

# if you want IPv6 support, generate a ULA, select an IP for the dns server
# and an appropriate gateway address on the same /64 network. Make sure that
# the 20-dns.conflist is updated appropriately. It will need the IP and GW
# added along with a ::/0 route. Also make sure that additional --dns options
# are passed to podman with your IPv6 DNS IPs when deploying the container for
# the first time. You will also need to configure your VLAN to have a static
# IPv6 block.

# IPv6 Also works with Prefix Delegation from your provider. The gateway is the
# IP of br(VLAN) and you can pick any ip address within that subnet that dhcpv6
# isn't serving

# set this to the interface(s) on which you want DNS TCP/UDP port 53 traffic
# re-routed through the DNS container. separate interfaces with spaces.
# e.g. "br0" or "br0 br1" etc.

# container name; e.g. nextdns, pihole, adguardhome, etc.

if ! test -f /opt/cni/bin/macvlan; then
    echo "Error: CNI plugins not found. You can install it with the following command:" >&2
    echo "       curl -fsSLo /mnt/data/on_boot.d/05-install-cni-plugins.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/boostchicken/udm-utilities/master/cni-plugins/05-install-cni-plugins.sh && /bin/sh /mnt/data/on_boot.d/05-install-cni-plugins.sh" >&2
    exit 1

# set VLAN bridge promiscuous
ip link set "br${VLAN}" promisc on

# create macvlan bridge and add IPv4 IP
ip link add "br${VLAN}.mac" link "br${VLAN}" type macvlan mode bridge
ip addr add "${IPV4_GW}" dev "br${VLAN}.mac" noprefixroute

# (optional) add IPv6 IP to VLAN bridge macvlan bridge
if [ -n "${IPV6_GW}" ]; then
  ip -6 addr add "${IPV6_GW}" dev "br${VLAN}.mac" noprefixroute

# set macvlan bridge promiscuous and bring it up
ip link set "br${VLAN}.mac" promisc on
ip link set "br${VLAN}.mac" up

# add IPv4 route to DNS container
ip route add "${IPV4_IP}/32" dev "br${VLAN}.mac"

# (optional) add IPv6 route to DNS container
if [ -n "${IPV6_IP}" ]; then
  ip -6 route add "${IPV6_IP}/128" dev "br${VLAN}.mac"

# Make DNSMasq listen to the container network for split horizon or conditional forwarding
if ! grep -qxF "interface=br${VLAN}.mac" /run/dnsmasq.conf.d/custom.conf; then
    echo "interface=br${VLAN}.mac" >> /run/dnsmasq.conf.d/custom.conf
    kill -9 "$(cat /run/dnsmasq.pid)"

if podman container exists "${CONTAINER}"; then
  podman start "${CONTAINER}"
  logger -s -t podman-dns -p "ERROR Container ${CONTAINER} not found, make sure you set the proper name, you can ignore this error if it is your first time setting it up"

# (optional) IPv4 force DNS (TCP/UDP 53) through DNS container
for intfc in ${FORCED_INTFC}; do
  if [ -d "/sys/class/net/${intfc}" ]; then
    for proto in udp tcp; do
      prerouting_rule="PREROUTING -i ${intfc} -p ${proto} ! -s ${IPV4_IP} ! -d ${IPV4_IP} --dport 53 -j LOG --log-prefix [DNAT-${intfc}-${proto}]"
      iptables -t nat -C ${prerouting_rule} 2>/dev/null || iptables -t nat -A ${prerouting_rule}
      prerouting_rule="PREROUTING -i ${intfc} -p ${proto} ! -s ${IPV4_IP} ! -d ${IPV4_IP} --dport 53 -j DNAT --to ${IPV4_IP}"
      iptables -t nat -C ${prerouting_rule} 2>/dev/null || iptables -t nat -A ${prerouting_rule}

      # (optional) IPv6 force DNS (TCP/UDP 53) through DNS container
      if [ -n "${IPV6_IP}" ]; then
        prerouting_rule="PREROUTING -i ${intfc} -p ${proto} ! -s ${IPV6_IP} ! -d ${IPV6_IP} --dport 53 -j LOG --log-prefix [DNAT-${intfc}-${proto}]"
        ip6tables -t nat -C ${prerouting_rule} 2>/dev/null || ip6tables -t nat -A ${prerouting_rule}
        prerouting_rule="PREROUTING -i ${intfc} -p ${proto} ! -s ${IPV6_IP} ! -d ${IPV6_IP} --dport 53 -j DNAT --to ${IPV6_IP}"
        ip6tables -t nat -C ${prerouting_rule} 2>/dev/null || ip6tables -t nat -A ${prerouting_rule}

podman run -d --network dns --restart always  \
>     --name adguardhome \
>     -v "/mnt/data/AdguardHome-Confdir/:/opt/adguardhome/conf/" \
>     -v "/mnt/data/AdguardHome-Workdir/:/opt/adguardhome/work/" \
>     --dns= --dns= \
>     --hostname adguardhome \
>     adguard/adguardhome:latest
ERRO[0000] CNI network "dns" not found                  
Error: error configuring network namespace for container 9478b7acf2b36955180d38d03d3e2cf137df20000d2530e8595a419fe03a077d: CNI network "dns" not found```

# podman network ls
podman   0.4.0     bridge,portmap
heytcass commented 2 years ago

Spotted it. I didn't update the address and gateway in the .conflist. Seems to run now, but can't get to the web UI. Will test again in a bit and get back.

gatesry commented 2 years ago

Spotted it. I didn't update the address and gateway in the .conflist. Seems to run now, but can't get to the web UI. Will test again in a bit and get back.

Nice! Good catch.

I would run podman logs next to see if your container has any reported issues starting up. Command reference here: https://docs.podman.io/en/latest/markdown/podman-logs.1.html

Edit: default UI port for AdGuardHome is 3000

heytcass commented 2 years ago

Nope. Same issue. Re-ran from scratch with all the files triple checked, still getting

ERRO[0000] CNI network "dns" not found                  
Error: error configuring network namespace for container 1982a4da67c742430536c2e82a2bb4ad9b7fe9b7d7687b6d59271f8e4e0d92bf: CNI network "dns" not found
gatesry commented 2 years ago

Nope. Same issue. Re-ran from scratch with all the files triple checked, still getting

ERRO[0000] CNI network "dns" not found                  
Error: error configuring network namespace for container 1982a4da67c742430536c2e82a2bb4ad9b7fe9b7d7687b6d59271f8e4e0d92bf: CNI network "dns" not found

Run podman network inspect Might need to attach flags to the “dns” network.

Also restarting the UDMP sometimes forces podman to process the extra conflist configs you put in that directory. They are symbolic linked to the CNI configuration folder, but not sure if that’s a process that’s only completed on boot up.

Cliff-R-K commented 2 years ago

Sorry for hijacking again but it looks like we have exactly the same problem. When i run podman network inspect dns I did get "No network found" or similar. After rebooting I get:

podman network inspect dns
                "cniVersion": "0.4.0",
                "name": "dns",
                "plugins": [
                                "ipam": {
                                        "addresses": [
                                                        "address": "",
                                                        "gateway": ""
                                        "routes": [
                                                        "dst": ""
                                        "type": "static"
                                "mac": "23:CE:AA:96:19:01",
                                "master": "br5",
                                "mode": "bridge",
                                "type": "macvlan"

And if I run:

# podman run -d --network dns --restart always \
>     --name pihole \
>     -e TZ="Europe/Stockholm" \
>     -v "/mnt/data/etc-pihole/:/etc/pihole/" \
>     -v "/mnt/data/pihole/etc-dnsmasq.d/:/etc/dnsmasq.d/" \
>     --dns= \
>     --dns= \
>     --dns= \
>     --hostname pi.hole \
>     -e VIRTUAL_HOST="pi.hole" \
>     -e PROXY_LOCATION="pi.hole" \
>     -e ServerIP="" \
>     -e IPv6="False" \
>     pihole/pihole:latest
Trying to pull docker.io/pihole/pihole:latest...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob f1d70d0cecf6 done
Copying blob aef6f138b30a done
Copying blob 58952488aee3 done
Copying blob 49aabdeceda1 done
Copying blob 753408153c81 done
Copying blob a6a25169eb8e done
Copying blob bbac4f90345b done
Copying blob da2dbe10d69d done
Copying config e7408bdcb1 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
ERRO[0020] Error adding network: failed to create macvlan: cannot assign requested address
ERRO[0020] Error while adding pod to CNI network "dns": failed to create macvlan: cannot assign requested address
Error: error configuring network namespace for container 0d2bfc9ee46cea4f075fcbf70dad50b5b31ba3cb19bcc5e73e88a154408f500d: failed to create macvlan: cannot assign requested address

And this is my created network in the udm-settings image

Cliff-R-K commented 2 years ago

Ah I managed to solve the problem. I just used an online mac-generator to generate my mac-address. Apparently you need a MAC-address that matches the vendor (Ubiquiti) so it have to start with 00-15-6D. I just changed the the first part in the MAC-address that I was using to "00-15-6D". https://gist.github.com/aallan/b4bb86db86079509e6159810ae9bd3e4

So in summary the solution to my problem was to:

  1. Network-name must match in 20-dns.conflist and in podman run --network ... (I don't know if it also have to match with the name of the created VLAN network in the UDM LAN settings, but mine does now)
  2. Add a "valid" MAC-address in 20-dns.conflist
  3. Reboot.
  4. Deleted pi-hole container and images and reinstalled the docker again.
heytcass commented 2 years ago

@burton666 That was it! Thank you for figuring that out. I will make a PR for the Adguardhome README reflecting that.

Side note: Do we know if the MAC address has to be in the XX-XX-XX format? Or can it be XX:XX:XX or others?

gatesry commented 2 years ago

@burton666 That was it! Thank you for figuring that out. I will make a PR for the Adguardhome README reflecting that.

Side note: Do we know if the MAC address has to be in the XX-XX-XX format? Or can it be XX:XX:XX or others?

Podman expects XX:XX:XX