unifi-utilities / unifios-utilities

A collection of enhancements for UnifiOS based devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
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unifi.boostchicken.io down #522

Closed dubhunter closed 1 year ago

dubhunter commented 1 year ago

Looks like unifi.boostchicken.io is down. I'm sure you've been getting lots of traffic lately, but it would be awesome to get an update or the files hosted somewhere else. (Trying to get podman on a UDMP 2.4.27).

Thanks for all you do!

Screenshot 2023-03-21 at 8 55 00 AM
Eric-Vignola commented 1 year ago

confirmed, just as I was trying to manually install podman

boostchicken commented 1 year ago

I just tried it and it works?


mabunixda commented 1 year ago

Works also for me, but reponse time is quite high ....

is it down right now reports it as down at the moment...

TheBlindHacker commented 1 year ago

Just tried, can confirm it is down, at this moment.

boostchicken commented 1 year ago

Yeah I am movving my network to 25Gbe, there are some hicups.

I havve no clue why the response is high. This is I have 2 1gig synchronus fiber lines load balanced.

Also the server with IPFS is a 28 corem 512GB of ram, 50Gbe to the network. I think IPFS just sucks at this point. Port 4001 for TCP and UDP are forwarded which is what is needed. I also directly peer with cloudflare. Anyone have any other thoughts?

lucasreiners commented 1 year ago

I also have trouble downloading podman from https://unifi.boostchicken.io/udmpro-podman-install.zip

ipfs resolve -r /ipns/unifi.boostchicken.io/udmpro-podman-install.zip: no link named "udmpro-podman-install.zip" under QmXuHrSrLntBfKmcwAPHq2S3BeHdEviHMzvvZh4Q87ay3E
ddkedr commented 1 year ago

I also have trouble downloading podman from https://unifi.boostchicken.io/udmpro-podman-install.zip

ipfs resolve -r /ipns/unifi.boostchicken.io/udmpro-podman-install.zip: no link named "udmpro-podman-install.zip" under QmXuHrSrLntBfKmcwAPHq2S3BeHdEviHMzvvZh4Q87ay3E

I think this also breaks 00-podman.sh script which has DESIRED_ZIPFILE="$(udm_model)-podman-install.zip". I've modified this variable to DESIRED_ZIPFILE="podman-udmse-udmpro-v2023-03-23-4778.zip" but there are still errors and podman does not work. @boostchicken should we even use this script to install podman or should we just download the latest zip-file from Actions and copy files to specific directories according to zip-file sctructure? What is the correct way to install podman on UDMP 2.5 anyways? Sorry for the offtopic. Please let me know if I should make another issue for podman installation.

m-lan-at commented 1 year ago

Hmm... I also cannot reach the server "https://unifi.boostchicken.io/" but "ping" works. 🤔 Anyone else? Could I download the file from another server/hoster? Thx a lot :)

m-lan-at commented 1 year ago

Results from "https://mxtoolbox.com/domain/" :)

Bildschirm­foto 2023-03-27 um 16 20 20
m-lan-at commented 1 year ago

Quick fix ONLY for UDM-Pro & UDM users:

Follow the instructions step by step here

Edit the script "00-podman.sh" again and change to following line (line 68):

From: URL="https://unifi.boostchicken.io/${DESIRED_ZIPFILE}" To: URL="https://box.msp-austria.cloud/s/podman/download/${DESIRED_ZIPFILE}"

Remember: The uploaded file only works for UDM-Pro und UDM users! I don't have any other ZIP-Files (UDM-SE etc.) on my server, sorry about that.


The script "00-podman.sh" on line 33 also checks for UDM (not Pro) and should also install podman with the same zip file (udmpro-podman-install.zip) which means that UDM-Pro and UDM users (except UDM-SE) should be able to install podman with the instructions given above.

The desired zip file was tested with UDM-Pro/UDM version 2.5.17.

Caution: Don't update to UniFi OS 3.x (early-access) at this time or follow the community post #523 (comment)

ezracelli commented 1 year ago

@boostchicken you mentioned in #523 that we could grab the zip file directly from GitHub Actions. Would you (or @m-lan-at / anyone else who knows) mind providing a quick bit of guidance regarding how to package that Actions artifact as [udmpro/udmse]-podman-install.zip that has the required podman-install.zip nested inside? I don't see any build script that does that packaging in this repo. Thank you!

crembz commented 1 year ago

@boostchicken you mentioned in #523 that we could grab the zip file directly from GitHub Actions. Would you (or @m-lan-at / anyone else who knows) mind providing a quick bit of guidance regarding how to package that Actions artifact as [udmpro/udmse]-podman-install.zip that has the required podman-install.zip nested inside? I don't see any build script that does that packaging in this repo. Thank you!

I've been struggling with this also! keen to retire my rpi running pihole

ghost commented 1 year ago

Can you upload this file too, please - https://unifi.boostchicken.io/udm-boot-2x_1.0.1_all.deb ?

croemmich commented 1 year ago

@GY8VSdYYzvL8-K6T, that one is in the repo: https://github.com/unifi-utilities/unifios-utilities/blob/main/on-boot-script-2.x/packages/udm-boot-2x_1.0.1_all.deb

ghost commented 1 year ago

Thanks! That one actually works!

m-lan-at commented 1 year ago

In Fact, that https://unifi.boostchicken.io is still not reachable. I decided to upload the "udmpro-podman-install.zip" on my own server. I grabbed the file from one of my UDM-Pros. The desired file is located in "/data/podman/cache" (last download from boostchicken.io about two/three weeks ago).

The script "00-podman.sh" in line 34 says "base UDM works fine with udmpro podman version, but has issues with udmse variant". So the uploaded file should work with UDM and UDM-Pro.

I have more UDM-SEs and UDRs so I could test podman but I need the desired files. If anyone or @boostchicken have the desired .zip files for UDM-SE and UDR I would upload it to my server for all those who have a problem to download it from "unifi.boostchicken.io".

@ezracelli: I'm sorry but I can't provide a script that does packaging because I haven't dealt with it yet. Also I didn't test to implement the boot-script and podman on UniFi OS 3.x. But you can grab the latest builds here (mentioned here)

@GY8VSdYYzvL8-K6T: I am going to upload the file "udm-boot-2x_1.0.1_all.deb" on my server and I can provide the desired scripts with the new links.

zerog2k commented 1 year ago

Also not reachable for me. I get a cloudflare page after some time. Is it possible to just let github host it as a release artifact (binary package)?

edit: fwiw, also after some timeout period I sometimes get:

ipfs resolve -r /ipns/unifi.boostchicken.io/: could not resolve name
m-lan-at commented 1 year ago

@zerog2k : Just use the instructions above for the moment. I think @boostchicken will change links in the future. I could also provide a server for this purpose if needed (cloud provider in austria, europe).

JoeOIVOV commented 1 year ago


Just did the update last night to 2.5.17 and ran into a big issue getting podman installed due to site in the script being down. I was able to download podman-install.zip from the actions tab on github but it was version 4.4.2 , and giving error:

WARN[0000] Failed to read current user namespace mappings

Once I changed to this URL in install script, it downgraded to 3.4.4 and fixed all the issues, thank you!

davidroman0O commented 9 months ago

Can we re-open this? The website is down again and gives a A timeout occurred Error code 524 or failed to resolve /ipns/unifi.boostchicken.io/udmse-podman-install.zip: could not resolve name for the podman zip or if directly on the domain domain failed to resolve /ipns/unifi.boostchicken.io/: could not resolve name

For now, in the 00-podman.sh

zerog2k commented 9 months ago

Github supports releases hosting "binaries", and is backed by a global CDN. Why not just let github host the release files? In fact, hosting on some other site introduces the possibilities of "shenanigans" and other MITM security concerns. Are these releases signed? If not, malicious intermediates could give out malicious payloads/trojan'ed packages, etc. Better to host on github so it's obvious where it's coming from and how it got to your device.

Example: this is already a release, and downloadable directly from github's cdn: https://github.com/unifi-utilities/unifios-utilities/releases/download/1.0.6/udm-boot_1.0.6_all.deb