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World of Warcraft 3.3.5a Content Database for CMaNGOS Wrath of the Lich King
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[Wotlk] Quest: Ring of blood [#9962] #160

Closed Argonn closed 8 years ago

Argonn commented 8 years ago

This following NPCs are missing their abilities, making them more or less tank-spank encounters.

adellaci commented 8 years ago


Looking through the current database (2/27/16)(creature_template_spells) i have found these entries

Brokentoe: npc=18398
Ability: Hoof Stomp spell=32023

Murkblood Twin: npc=18399
Abilities: Mutilate: spell=32319
              Sinister Strike: spell=14873
              Eviscerate: spell=5692
              Dual Wield: spell=30798

Rokdar the Sundered Lord: npc=18400
Abilities: Knock Away: spell=31389
              War Stomp: spell=16727

Skra'gath: npc=18401
Abilities: Dark Shriek: spell=32322
              Drain Touch: spell=29299
              Piercing Shadow: spell=16429,
              Shadow Burst: spell=32324

Warmaul Champion: npc=18402
Abilities: Batlle Shout: spell=31403
              Charge: spell=32323
              Mortal Strike: spell=15708
              Sundering Cleave: spell=17963

Mogor Hero of the Warmaul: npc=18069
Abilities: Chain Lighting: spell=16033
              Flame Shock: spell=39529
              Healing Wave: spell=15982

The differences: In Wrath of the Lich King;

adellaci commented 8 years ago


I have searched all database updates since the current release, these NPC had to be corrected in a prior release.

Have you tried redoing your database?

I will also try to get out there today and see if they use their abilities.

adellaci commented 8 years ago

Skra'gath damage reducing abilities is limited to the first school of damage that is used on him. If the first attack is of the arcane class he gains a reduction to all arcane damage, and has that ability through out the fight.

adellaci commented 8 years ago

@Grz3s From the research I did, Mogor Hero of the Warmaul, in Wrath of the Lich King, did have the ability Frenzy.

DELETE FROM creature_template_spells WHERE entry - 18069;
INSERT INTO creature_template_spells (entry, spell1, spell2, spell3, spell4, spell5, spell6, spell7, spell8) VALUES
(18069, 16033, 39529, 28747, 15982, 0, 0, 0, 0);

As for Skra'gath damage reducing abilities, I do not know how to write the code for this. Refer to my comment above.

Argonn commented 8 years ago

The issue was 2 months old, we update the server on a weekly basis. And not a single ability was used, not even the self-ress of the last ogre.

adellaci commented 8 years ago

I'll check again, but i do not believe that in Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a he had the ability of Revive Self. I have not logged on to my server and tried the Ring of Blood yet. Still working on a few other things. As soon as I do I will post what I find

adellaci commented 8 years ago

@Grz3s The wife and I was testing prior to your update on Argonn's issue. Brokentoe did not use the ability Hoof Stomp. How can I un-do that quest completion so that i may test it again, now that I have made the update to the DB?

Grz3s commented 8 years ago

hi @adellaci if you have .gm rights simply use command to remove quest. .quest remove "id" (for Brokentoe you need: .quest remove 9962) -- pls dont forget .. if u also finished quests that comes after this... u need to remove them all in reverse order. So if you have done whole chain... you need to remove them all: .quest remove 9977 -- for final 'The Ring of Blood: The Final Challenge' .quest remove 9973 -- for 'The Ring of Blood: The Warmaul Champion' .quest remove 9972 -- for 'The Ring of Blood: Skra'gath' .quest remove 9970 .quest remove 9967 .quest remove 9962 - first one So you can do all again :)

BTW: Pls dont forget about ACID updates - they are req. to see creatures abillities. (pls look into comments on each of prev updates - it says reQ. ACID ..... ) GL

adellaci commented 8 years ago

Hi @Grz3s

I did know about doing the updates. We were not able to complete the second round, but i did not know about removing them in the reverse order, so thank you for the heads up! I will to a 'mangos', unified-db, & acid update tomorrow night. Then the wife and i are going to take a run at it again. I try to always update all three.

adellaci commented 8 years ago

@Grz3s By the way, i am going to go back at "Rare Spawns", any zone you prefer?

Grz3s commented 8 years ago

(..)any zone you prefer?(..) you need to ask yourself ;)

Grz3s commented 8 years ago

Small problem with: Skra'gath I cant set his reaction according to this:

Skra'gath damage reducing abilities is limited to the first school of damage that is used on him. If the first attack is of the arcane class he gains a reduction to all arcane damage, and has that ability through out the fight.

We could use reaction on spellhit Parameter 2: School but: EventAI -- has no option to use random event from list of selected events.. So if i'll set diff event for each school ...we'll end up with him 75% resist.. for all of them :)

Not sure if this can be done also by sd2 <--- need to ask @xfurry Anyway: I'll add fix for quest and him using all other abillities ...(if xfurry one day decide to fix him in sd2 ... then he can simply be removed from acid) ;)

adellaci commented 8 years ago

@Grz3s I haven't had the time to look through the database, and how all of them interrelate, but i kinda understand what you are saying. My thought on it was that he has all of the resist abilities inactive. When the first attacked occurred, a test was made on what class attack it was and activate the resist ability, then no further test. If he dies or de-spawns, he is reset with all abilities inactive, and the test is enabled again.

I have not ventured into 'acid' or 'SD2' as of yet, so i can not offer any true help.

In the mean while, is it possible to give him all resist abilities @ 5 - 7% ? It would make it feel at least a little closer to normal.

My line of thought: The math works out to be 75% / 6 = 12.5%. Once the group figured out that he resisted a ability they would compensate by using what ever other abilities they had to maintain their DPS. Which means that they couldn't use their normal rotation of spells/hits, we reduce this by another half to offer a fair realism of the combat, putting the resist to about 6.5%.

It's just a thought.

adellaci commented 8 years ago


You started this thread, your two cents matters.

On to another subject in this post; I did more research on Mogor Hero of the Warmaul, I still can not find any reference that he had Self Revive in TBC, or in WotLK. I have found reference to it in Cat , one of the updates. Can either @Grz3s or you confirm?

Grz3s commented 8 years ago

About - Skra'gath I can only use what ACID or DB_tools allow me to use: Problem here... is simple... All depends what kind "school" magic is used against him... he will react casting on of these spells on himself:

ID - 34331 Damage Reduction: Arcane
ID - 34333 Damage Reduction: Fire
ID - 34334 Damage Reduction: Frost
ID - 34335 Damage Reduction: Nature
ID - 34336 Damage Reduction: Holy
ID - 34338 Damage Reduction: Shadow

It's not our goal to change anything inside spells etc... (so no mehanic can be change here) Part of it can be done using ACID:

 if he recives spell (parametr 2 will check what school) -- and as a reaction he will cast protecting spell on himself.
So .. i can do the same for all types of spells.

The only issue here... is we do NOT have any tool to force him to check only first spell ... and do not use this event on others ... ( so he will cast protecting spell ... on any school spells .. and we will end up with him + 75% protect on everything we used against him)

Grz3s commented 8 years ago

BTW: pls wait ... with testing until i'll finish all of them ;)

adellaci commented 8 years ago

The wife and i are going to try Brokentoe again tonight only.

To better understand, the protection spell offers 75% protection and could not be changed to a much lower %?

Oh! i see if we make a change to the ability spell casted, it would impact all creatures that use that ability?

Grz3s commented 8 years ago
On to another subject in this post;
 I did more research on Mogor Hero of the Warmaul, I still can not find any reference that he had Self Revive in TBC, or in WotLK. I have found reference to it in Cat , one of the updates. Can either @Grz3s or you confirm?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoB70fUnc_A -- 2008 WoTLk ..should explain all :)

Argonn commented 8 years ago

I'm more than 100% sure he had that ability ever since TBC (got me killed a couple of times). And as shown in @Grz3s his link.

Grz3s commented 8 years ago

hi all again ... Finall quest in this chain is difficult to fix :).... I tried many mothods.. without 100% result. (took me last 2 days to trying everything) :) had problems like:

I have a fix: this is not 100% blizzlike (i cant do it any better) but pls look what i've done: https://youtu.be/_jCnyWrliTk

And code if someone would like to test it:

-- q.9977 'The Ring of Blood: The Final Challenge'
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_quest_start WHERE id = 9977;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_quest_start (id, delay, command, datalong, datalong2, buddy_entry, search_radius, data_flags, dataint, dataint2, dataint3, dataint4, x, y, z, o, comments) VALUES
(9977,1,31,18069,15,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'search for 18069'), -- in case if someone is in this q. already.
(9977,2,29,3,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'quest flag removed'),
(9977,17,0,0,0,18069,60873,7 | 0x10,2000000844,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,''),
(9977,17,3,0,0,18069,60873,7 | 0x10,0,0,0,0,-717.793,7898.38,48.8137,4.86694,''),
(9977,34,0,0,0,18069,60873,7 | 0x10,2000000845,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,''),
(9977,34,22,16,0x01 | 0x04,18069,60873,7 | 0x10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'temp faction'),
(9977,35,29,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'quest flag added');
DELETE FROM db_script_string WHERE entry BETWEEN 2000000842 AND 2000000846;
INSERT INTO db_script_string (entry, content_default, sound, type, language, emote, comment) VALUES
(2000000842,'Mogor has challenged you. You have to accept! Get in the ring if you are ready to fight.',0,0,0,0,NULL),
(2000000843,'For the first time in the Ring of Blood\'s history, Mogor has chosen to exercise his right of battle! On this wartorn ground, $n will face Mogor, hero of the Warmaul!',0,1,0,0,NULL),
(2000000844,'Now you face da true champion! I give you chance to run away little one. Run away now before Mogor decim... destyor... Run away before Mogor KILL!',0,1,0,0,NULL),
(2000000845,'No more chances! Now you pay da ogre!',0,1,0,15,NULL),
(2000000846,'$n has defeated the hero of the Warmaul, Mogor! All hail $n!',0,1,0,0,NULL);

-- Mogor
UPDATE creature_template SET MovementType = 0 WHERE Entry = 18069;
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_death WHERE id = 18069;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_creature_death (id, delay, command, datalong, datalong2, buddy_entry, search_radius, data_flags, dataint, dataint2, dataint3, dataint4, x, y, z, o, comments) VALUES
(18069,1,0,0,0,18471,66480,0 | 0x10,2000000846,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'buddy : yell'),
-- Mogor
Delete from `creature_ai_scripts` where `creature_id`= 18069;
Insert into `creature_ai_scripts` values
('1806901','18069','11','0','100','0','0','0','0','0','22','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Mogor - set phase 1 on spawn'),
('1806902','18069','0','61','100','1','9400','13200','75000','80000','11','18975','1','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Mogor - Cast Summon Ice Totem (Phase 1+6)'),
('1806903','18069','9','61','100','1','0','30','6000','8000','11','16033','4','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Mogor - Cast Chain Lightning (Phase 1+6)'),
('1806904','18069','9','61','100','1','0','20','18000','21000','11','39529','4','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Mogor - Cast Flame Shock (Phase 1+6)'),
('1806905','18069','2','125','100','0','50','0','0','0','11','15892','0','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Mogor - cast Permanent Feign Death at 50% HP (Phase 1)'),
('1806906','18069','2','125','100','0','5','0','0','0','11','29266','0','7','18','2','0','0','22','2','0','0','Mogor - cast Permanent Feign Death, set unitFlag and set phase 2 at 5% HP (Phase 1)'),
('1806907','18069','29','123','100','0','5000','5000','0','0','11','32343','0','23','22','3','0','0','0','0','0','0','Mogor - cast Revive Self and set Phase 3 (Phase2)'),
('1806908','18069','29','119','100','0','10000','10000','0','0','11','17683','0','23','22','4','0','0','0','0','0','0','Mogor - cast full hp set Phase 4 (Phase3)'),
('1806909','18069','29','111','100','0','15000','15000','0','0','1','-1424','0','0','19','2','0','0','22','5','0','0','Mogor - Yell and remove unitFlag set Phase 5 (Phase4)'),
('1806910','18069','29','95','100','0','17000','17000','0','0','11','28747','0','23','28','0','29266','0','22','6','0','0','Mogor - cast Frenzy, remove aura, set phase 6 (Phase5)'),
('1806911','18069','21','0','100','0','0','0','0','0','22','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Mogor - set phase 1 on Reaching Home');
UPDATE creature_template SET AIName='EventAI' WHERE `entry` = '18069';
DELETE FROM `creature_ai_texts` WHERE `entry` IN ('-1424');
INSERT into `creature_ai_texts` (`entry`,`content_default`,`sound`,`type`,`language`,`comment`,`emote`) VALUES
('-1424','No more nice ogre! You hurt Mogor!','0','1','0','18069','0');

Pls let me know what you all think about it? should this be added or not..(why) thanks

adellaci commented 8 years ago


It looks pretty good. The only difference from Blizzlike is he doesn't lay down before he revives.

Grz3s commented 8 years ago

Well ..he does..(death animation works fine on him) but another anim breaks it:

you can see in script...

('1806907','18069','29','123','100','0','5000','5000','0','0','11','32343','0','23','22','3','0','0','0','0','0','0','Mogor - cast Revive Self and set Phase 3 (Phase2)'),

here: ....'0','5000','5000','0'..... revive self should occur 5secs after 'death anim'... phase change... unfortunately, it happens automatically. No idea what is the point to having that "time" -- no matter what ill put there (even 10hours ..it will happen automat)

As i said before... i tried everything... and nothing worked better than this:) I dont even know if he can be done better by sd2 (@xfurry - probably could say more - but serious i gave him lots stuff to looked up .. already so .. i dont think that this is a case;) ... Anyway... im happy to add it as it is... main mehannic works fine for me... If noone else has nothing against it ill do it on this evening.