unifiedjs / unified

☔️ interface for parsing, inspecting, transforming, and serializing content through syntax trees
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#55: swapped is-plain-obj for is-plain-object #134

Closed mummybot closed 3 years ago

mummybot commented 3 years ago

Closes GH-55.

I have read the comment thread and seen the open PR regarding the docs for transpiling individual node_modules. We have it working on our specific project with this technique.

However we have created our own internal library which is shared in a large organisation across multiple teams, all of whom need to support IE11. Because our internal library includes remark, unified and thus is-plain-obj, every team will have to make this change in their build tooling to transpile node_modules/is-plain-obj.

We would very much appreciate it if you were to swap out the libraries, as it is the simplest of changes and makes unified work in IE11 straight out of the box.

ChristianMurphy commented 3 years ago

However we have created our own internal library which is shared in a large organisation across multiple teams, all of whom need to support IE11. Because our internal library includes remark, unified and thus is-plain-obj, every team will have to make this change in their build tooling to transpile node_modules/is-plain-obj.

A build tool is already needed to use unified in the browser, regardless of this dependency. :confused:

We would very much appreciate it if you were to swap out the libraries, as it is the simplest of changes and makes unified work in IE11 straight out of the box.

I don't think it make sense to add an IE11 polyfill for everyone, when build tooling which is already needed does it automatically, and only where needed.

at a more overarching level, the unified community is moving towards ES6 features, like ES Modules https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified/issues/121 and let/const/class https://github.com/unifiedjs/rfcs/pull/4. Which are supported in node and in ever green browsers https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6

I appreciate that fact that supporting IE11 can be a challenge, it's something I've faced myself. But Open Source continuing to support a browser which has been long since abandoned isn't sustainable.

Tools like the ones in https://github.com/unifiedjs/unifiedjs.github.io/pull/9 offer a way forward, assistance improving the documentation is welcome, and if you want to create a shareable build configuration for IE11 support that would be welcome as well.

mummybot commented 3 years ago

I'll try again :) https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified/pull/135