It would be very useful to have Uniform support dates and times properly, so it can check whether or not they satisfy certain conditions. We should have a way of comparing dates and times to determine (at least) which happens before another (ie. end date must come after start date), a way of determining if a date is in the future or past (ie. meeting date must be in the future, birthday must be in the past), and a way of finding a time difference between dates (ie. start and end must be at least 3 days apart). We should do something similar for time as well and allow a combination of date-time too. There should also be a way to write a date/time/timespan literal to compare against and a way of accessing individual fields in all three types. An example syntax is below.
@today: <date set by stdlib>
@now: <datetime set by stdlib>
$("#meetingDay") {
valid: this > @now; // Meeting time is in the future
$("#meetingTime") {
// Time literals look like THH:MM:ss(AM|PM)
valid: this >= T9:00:00AM and this <= T5:00:00PM; // Meeting is between 9 and 5
$("#signUpDate") {
// Sign up for a date between 4/22/2016 and 4/26/2016
// Date literals look like DYYYY-MM-dd
valid: this >= D2016-4-22 and this <= D2016-4-26;
$("#registerDateTime") {
// DateTime literals combine date and time
valid: this >= D2016-4-22T9:00:00AM; // Register any date and time after 4/22/16@9AM.
$("#birthday") {
@age: @today - this;
valid: @age.year >= 18; // Is 18 years old
$("#trainingDates") {
@timespan: $("#endDate") - $("#startDate");
valid: @timespan.days <= 3; // Start and end are within 3 days of each other
It would be very useful to have Uniform support dates and times properly, so it can check whether or not they satisfy certain conditions. We should have a way of comparing dates and times to determine (at least) which happens before another (ie. end date must come after start date), a way of determining if a date is in the future or past (ie. meeting date must be in the future, birthday must be in the past), and a way of finding a time difference between dates (ie. start and end must be at least 3 days apart). We should do something similar for time as well and allow a combination of date-time too. There should also be a way to write a date/time/timespan literal to compare against and a way of accessing individual fields in all three types. An example syntax is below.