unifreq / linux-5.10.y

About linux 5.10.y source, And added some patches that I have collected, which can be used for the openwrt firmware I released, or for general occasions such as armbian.
21 stars 45 forks source link

关于first commit的咨询请教 #43

Open SweetPine1 opened 1 year ago

SweetPine1 commented 1 year ago

看第一个commit是5.10.35,但是和Linux 5.10.35有挺大出入,想了解下first commit是基于什么做的,或者基于Linux 5.10.35做了哪些补丁呢?

unifreq commented 1 year ago

这是我第一次做git 仓库时commit的,当时对于git还不太熟练,提交的内容主要是主线5.10内核 + openwrt 的 generic补丁之类,也混入了少量来自于armbian的补丁,具体情况记不清了。