unifreq / linux-6.1.y

clone from https://github.com/chewitt/linux branch amlogic-6.1.y, And will add some patches that I have collected, which can be used for the aarch64 openwrt firmware, or for general occasions such as armbian.
39 stars 58 forks source link

可以添加rtl8189ftv无线网卡驱动吗? #21

Open taotao108 opened 1 year ago

taotao108 commented 1 year ago


7Ji commented 1 year ago

8189ftv可以在目标系统内用dkms自动编译。这个是我给Arch打的包。其他发行版,人肉搓一遍PKGBUILD把东西复制到对应位置也行。 https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/rtl8189fs-dkms-git

wangwei123321 commented 3 months ago
