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possible initialization exeption in scroll Indicator #110

Closed dominikg closed 12 years ago

dominikg commented 12 years ago

Sometimes the following exception occurs during application initializaion:

Uncaught qx.core.AssertionError: Expected value to be a DOM element but found 'null'!

it looks like _applyOrientation executes while _hasElement returns true, but __startElem is not jet set.

This is a bit strange because a) it happens only sometimes and i havn't found a way to reproduce it reliably jet and b) _createElement sets __startElem, so in theory it should be there.

Maybe the IIndicator interface is the culprit?

A possible solution could be to remove the possibility to change orientation property from Indicator altogether and only use a private internal field instead of a qooxdoo property to save its value.


qx.Class.define.statics.failAssert.js:81 qx.Class.define.statics.assertElementAssert.js:819 qx.Class.define.statics.setStylesStyle.js:427 qx.Class.define.members.setSliderStyleIndicator.js:166 qx.Class.define.members._applyOrientationIndicator.js:330 (anonymous function) qx.Class.define.constructIndicator.js:89 wrapperClass.js:1623 qx.Class.define.constructScroll.js:44 .....

fastner commented 12 years ago

Fixed by pul request #111