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fix check for engine not for version IE #171

Closed tfugmann closed 10 years ago

tfugmann commented 10 years ago

Internet Explorer 11 is released, yay. Microsoft changed the User-Agent string, browser check failed -> null pointer.

This fix should enable the IE 11 support for unify and solve the problem by checking for the engine version not for the browser version.

mcdit commented 10 years ago


fastner commented 10 years ago

I think this is not enough to get version of IE. You should do something like (MSIE|Trident) to don't destroy old versions. For new one this is okay.

tfugmann commented 10 years ago

It won't destroy the old versions,It's just a replacement for the IE9 or higher check. The "Trident"- string exists since 8 and the MSIE string isn't used anymore. So it seemed to make sense to check for the version of the engine.

fastner commented 10 years ago

Ah okay, I have not seen that you use trident version (6) instead of IE version (9).