unige-geohealth / accessmod

accessmod 5 : anisotropic accessibility analysis.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Coverage analysis: operation order when selecting to do the zonal statistics ( Toolbox>Geographic ) #50

Open SteeveEbener opened 9 years ago

SteeveEbener commented 9 years ago

I know you are trying to keep data inputs and setting separated but having for the user to go back to data inputs in case he check the "Generate zonal statistics (select zones layer in data input panel)." option is for me an issue.

In addition to that there is no warning message and he can compute in case he check the button but does not select a zone layer.

If there is really no way for the zones layer to appear just below the button once checked can we at least implement a warning message and blog the computing until he has selected such layer?


fxi commented 9 years ago

In the module geographic coverage, zonal layer selection was in "settings", as it was a optional input. It was moved to "data input" as it's also became an input for the zonal statistics module. It's fallowing the data input vs optional settings schema. I don't want too many exception and not a single input duplicate, as it could become quickly a mess to debug.

But I have to admit that's not very convenient for the user ! So, what do you think if we automatically open the input panel as soon as the user check the zonal analysis option ?

The rules that unblock computation if zonal stat option is checked was accidentally broken. (Set as rule since March 18, broken wen removed the multiple zonal choice, May 24). It will work again in the next commit.


SteeveEbener commented 9 years ago

Ok to try with opening the input panel as soon as the user check the zonal analysis option.

The blocking of the computation in case the zone layer has not been selected is also working now. I will just suggest a change in the warning message in the google spreadsheet.