unige-geohealth / accessmod

accessmod 5 : anisotropic accessibility analysis.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Organization of content of the tables resulting from the referral accessibility analysis #51

Closed SteeveEbener closed 9 years ago

SteeveEbener commented 9 years ago

Can you please order the columns in these files in the following order?:

In addition, should "h" (hours I guess) not be replaced by "min" (minutes)? The results should in any case be expressed in minutes.


fxi commented 9 years ago

yep, it's done. It will be in the next commit.

Distance and time units are a choice hidden to the user, but exists in amReferralTable:

                    inputSpeed     = mapSpeed,
                    inputFriction  = mapFriction,
                    inputHf        = mapHf,
                    inputHfTo      = mapHfTo,
                    inputTblHf     = tblHfSubset,
                    inputTblHfTo   = tblHfSubsetTo,
                    idField        = hfIdx,
                    labelField     = hfLab,
                    idFieldTo      = hfIdxTo,
                    labelFieldTo   = hfLabTo,
                    typeAnalysis   = typeAnalysis,
                    resol          = listen$mapMeta$grid$No,
                    dbCon          = grassSession$dbCon,
                    unitCost       = 'm',
                    unitDist       = 'km',
                    outReferral    = tableReferral,
                    outNearestDist = tableReferralNearestDist,
                    outNearestTime = tableReferralNearestTime

So, i've set as minutes and km. This also could be set as a user choice.