unigrants / ugp-hacks

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Gitcoin Round 9 Hackathon #1

Open nkennethk opened 3 years ago

nkennethk commented 3 years ago

UNI Grants Program - Innovation and Focus Area Bounties

Although the interface has mostly remained the same, Uniswap has actually grown to be so much more than just a simple swapping UI. The protocol has grown to be a robust ecosystem of composable trading tools, advanced analytics on pairs and LPs, sophisticated governance, and one of the most passionate communities. However, stepping back to remember that this all started with a grant puts into context just how important hackathons and grants are to the Ethereum ecosystem.

With Gitcoin Grants Round 9 Hackathon, we'd like to continue to cultivate this culture of innovation on top of the Uniswap protocol in whatever that means for the various users of the protocol.

While almost anything is fair game, Uniswap users can be defined as but are definitely not limited by the following:

Prize Bounties

The UNI Grants Program is providing 4 prizes in UNI totaling $20,000 USD in hackathon bounties for building the most the innovative hacks and best solutions tackling one of our challenges and focus areas.

The Innovation track has no limits so let your imagination run wild for what you'd wish Uniswap had or how you'd want Uniswap to be better...

The Focus Area track can support the following challenges:


Award Prize Amount
Most Innovative $7,500
Innovation Runner-up $2,500
Best Focused Solution $7,500
Focused Solution Runner-up $2,500

Submission Requirements

Judging will happen once all submissions have been received. Please include the following:

The requirements for your submission must:

Judging Criteria

Submissions for any of the bounties above will be judged by some members of the UGP Allocation Committee, with the lead being the primary point of contact. Unlike other bounties in the hackathon, it's not an issue if your submission overlaps with another org's bounty. In fact, you might even get bonus points for successful integrations.

Winner Announcement Date

No submissions will be judged until the end of the hackathon and winners will be announced 2 weeks after the hackathon ends. Submissions Due - March 31st Winners announced - April 14th

Whether you win a bounty or not, the application for UGP is open for applications and will be awarding grants on a rolling basis! Feel free to apply anytime here!

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 2635.0461 UNI (20000.0 USD @ $7.59/UNI) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 13 hours ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) sunnyrk has started work.

I will use uniswap interface and build on top of it where user can pay gas fees in other tokens and will optimized some things for user for better trade experience 2) soleauchain has started work.

We want to create the first decentralized dapp for legal NFTs.

Today we face two problems :

Making a living as an artist is known to be challenging.

NFT art save some particular artist specialized in digital art creation. But this is not the majority. A lot of artist would like to share their copyright as well and not only the cryptographic hash of their digital file. However, any plateforme allow creator's to chose what kind of right they want to be represented by NFT. This has created a division and friction among creatives.

Solution: We want to see more and more Art coming into NFTs and more and more artist making value in crypto and being remunerated through crypto system. So we 'll create a decentralized protocol able to understand what needs the artist, what kind of right he want to share and mint NFT's adapted to his situation. Each NFT will be able to guarantee some copyright and their application will be ensure by a binding automaton.

Linking copyright to an NFT needs law.

The vast majority of today's NFT are proprietary rights to the jpeg file hash.

For instance, a digital picture creator do not sell the ownership of his artwork but just the token linked to it. No buyer can reproduce the NFT art on a Tshirt or print it and make other NFT. All these rights belong to the creator.

Today when you buy a NFT digital art you buy a token implementing the cryptographic hash of the digital art but you don't buy any other right on this artwork. If you buy a NFT art you can't for example selling Tshirt incorporing the artwork represented by the NFT. You can't as well forking the NFT art without the author permission etc.

Moreover, when a NFT's digital art is sold, nothing prevent anyone to copy and past the digital art and have the same enjoyment than the one who bought it.

Even if the artist would like to purely and simply make all of his copyright open he could not.

Linking copyright to NFT means :

Linking physical goods to NFT and/or linking digital good to cryptographic token.

Every creators will be able to link any kind of goods/right on this goods to NFTs.

NFTs needs to step forward. We thing that NFTs can bring law to web3. Not only cryptographic hash will be able to be transfered through NFT but real ownership, right of use, licence agreement, copyright and so.

Law is not just a matter of state. Law is a community tool. WEB3 community needs it to increase his power.

How the tokenart soup will work :

Tokenart use agile questionary to make it easier to create right a secure contract law. Then it uses smartcontract to creat the NFT's and add contract law in metadatas.

Tokenizing rights on goods make it possible to digital creators like softwares, musics, pictures, design, logo to sell or rent their right easier.

Lets take the example of a musician who realise a good song. Three cryptocreators would like to add his song to their project. Instead of creating a contract between him and them they could just buy the NFT allowing them to use it.

We want to increase rapidity, security and adaptability on the WEB3 through agile questionary, law and code.

Anyone will have the possibility to creat its own legal NFT.

Let's bring the law to web3 in an efficient way.

How It's Made We need a good UI for questionary linked to ERC721 and ERC1155 smartcontract able to incorporate user's answer directly in metadata.

The smart questionary and contract law linked to them are made by PhdCandidate in law Clément Fontaine who's working on legal blockchain.

Why we need you ?

Today we have only one automated agile and smartcontract law working on ethereum :


This is good because through a simple questionnary you can have directly in your wallet a NFT legally linked to your physical creation. But this is not enough !

Tomorrow we want to make business creation easier than never. We want to increase rapidity and security on the WEB3 through law and code.

Your help will help us to enhance our protocole in order to make it possible more smartcontract law for the following use cases :

Decentralized the legal NFT creation

Being able to build an automate for withdrawing ownership to proven scammer through KLEROS

Tokenizing any type of right (For instance : Jewelry or Watch Physical ownership / RIght of use for musician / Right of use for source code etc.)

Tokenart partenered with the legaltech Soleauchain and Clément Fontaine PhD candidate on cryptolaw : http://clement-fontaine-chercheur.mystrikingly.com

Let's bring the law to web3 in an efficient way. Thank you. 3) heyjonbray has started work.

Inspired by the demo Unipig app, I present an interactive UI for community members to "pre-vote" on potential proposals using a prediction market style methodology with the goal of narrowing down potential proposals to the most relevant as determined by community consensus. 4) tom9458 has started work.

I don't know what I am doing!I don't know what I should do!I don't know what I can do! 5) eko733 has started work.

make new rules for each project that will be included in Uniswap which allows it not to rugpull or rugpull, so many projects that enter with scam coins, I am one of the victims, starting rugpull, can buy can't sell and others, maybe by adding conditions certain will reduce this risk. for example with KYC, audits, smart contract detection and others, because the very rapid development of crypto now will automatically grow many new traders who may not be experienced. 6) adi99 has started work.

Project which will let user take leverage on LP tokens and earn 3x-5x fees. 7) davidliu027 has started work.

ICPDAO use EI system to solve governance and quantization problem of DAO contribute , mint project token accordingly and transfer token to Defi liquidity.

EI system Solve the problem of noneffective proposal and voting by a set of rule, make sure the effective involvement of every DAO member, self governance and contribute quantization .

Contribute is mining Valid contribute will mint project token, linear release to attach real project contribute value with project token, filter invalid projects.

Automatic Liquidity Add token as perpetual liquidity to Defi pool automatically by pre-defined rule. Contributor can swap fiat token use project token they earned, and investor can buy project token as investment. 8) paytube has started work.

ZKTube is constructed using the PLONK protocol based on ZK-Rollup technology, which solves the problems of tps and transaction fees. At the same time, the zktube protocol supports Swap and NFT transactions. 9) masaun has started work.

xUNI governance 10) codinmaster has started work.

Calculate the Dollar Value of your Uniswap LP tokens before you deposit/stake them in your next yield farm. Easily calculate and specify your risk!

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 640.0001 UNI (21139.2 USD @ $33.03/UNI) has been submitted by:

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 640.0001 UNI (18419.20 USD @ $29.23/UNI) has been submitted by:

  1. @sunnyrk
  2. @deepface19
  3. @bainetwork
  4. @davidliu027
  5. @omnianalytics
  6. @masaun

@nkennethk please take a look at the submitted work:

Davidliu027 commented 3 years ago

@nkennethk FYI, We tried to attach DAO governance framework to Uniswap which can help extend the liquidity value. Submitted PR works is the POC demo of how we governance a DAO, and we want to move forward with the automatically liquidity between DAO and AMM pool. Working code is in https://github.com/icpdao/ei-voting-game.

Davidliu027 commented 3 years ago

@nkennethk any update on the announcement of this hackathon?

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 640.0001 UNI (23987.20 USD @ $37.48/UNI) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @sunnyrk.