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feat(workflows): Add linting GitHub Actions #5

Closed gabrielmocanu closed 6 months ago

gabrielmocanu commented 8 months ago
craciunoiuc commented 8 months ago

Can you make this also run on commit messages? Would be useful on multiple repos

razvand commented 8 months ago

Can you make this also run on commit messages? Would be useful on multiple repos

@craciunoiuc , you mean linting commit messages? Such as commit message length, use of prefix and others?

craciunoiuc commented 8 months ago

Question was more directed to the spellchecker. There are always typos in commit messages and are hard to point out.

For sure one hacky way would be to write the messages to files and let the spellchecker catch them

razvand commented 8 months ago

@gabrielmocanu , is it possible to spellcheck commit messages? We can do that in a separate PR.

gabrielmocanu commented 8 months ago

@gabrielmocanu , is it possible to spellcheck commit messages? We can do that in a separate PR.

Yup, it's possible, but please make another issue and assign it to me. I will do another PR for it.