unikraft / catalog

Unikraft Applications & Examples Catalog
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`perl:5.38` No network connection established #66

Closed razvand closed 4 months ago

razvand commented 4 months ago

Starting a simple Perl 5.38 HTTP server (PR #28) doesn't provide a running network connection connection. Use the following commands to replicate:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unikraft/catalog-for-maintainers/main/utils/start-buildkit.sh
source start-buildkit.sh
git clone https://github.com/unikraft/catalog
cd catalog
git remote add unikraft-upb https://github.com/unikraft-upb/catalog
git fetch unikraft-upb
git checkout -b razvand/library/perl unikraft-upb/razvand/library/perl
cd library/perl/5.38
kraft build --no-cache --no-update --plat qemu --arch x86_64
kraft rm --all ; kraft run --rm --log-type basic --log-level debug -M 512M -p 8080:8080 .

The output message is:

lseek(0x4, 0x4376, ...) = 0x4376
lseek(0x4, 0x0, ...) = 0x4376
close(fd:4) = OK
getuid(0x69, 0x2, ...) = 0x0
geteuid(0x69, 0x2, ...) = 0x0
getgid(0x69, 0x2, ...) = 0x0
getegid(0x69, 0x2, ...) = 0x0
getuid(0x69, 0x2, ...) = 0x0
geteuid(0x69, 0x2, ...) = 0x0
getgid(0x69, 0x2, ...) = 0x0
getegid(0x69, 0x2, ...) = 0x0
read(fd:3, <out>"", 8192) = 0
close(fd:3) = OK
socket(AF_NETLINK, SOCK_CLOEXEC|SOCK_RAW, 0) = Address family not supported by protocol (-97)
fcntl(0x3, 0x1, ...) = 0x1
fcntl(0x3, 0x2, ...) = 0x0
ioctl(0x3, 0x5401, ...) = Inappropriate ioctl for device (-25)
lseek(0x3, 0x0, ...) = Illegal seek (-29)
fcntl(0x3, 0x2, ...) = 0x0
ioctl(0x3, 0x5401, ...) = Inappropriate ioctl for device (-25)
lseek(0x3, 0x0, ...) = Illegal seek (-29)
bind(fd:3, va:0x40562a240, 16) = OK
listen(0x3, 0x5, ...) = 0x0

The output message without logging is:

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