I tried to run netcat binary using the bincompat mode and run-app-elfloader, but it does not properly send or receive messages. Then, I tried to run the nc command in the busybox binary provided in the dynamic apps repository but that had the same issue.
However, when I type messages into any of these, it can be seen that no message is transferred from the client (host) to the server (unikraft VM) and only the first message that is entered in the server (unikraft) is transferred to the host os and the rest of them are not transferred.
I tried to run netcat binary using the bincompat mode and run-app-elfloader, but it does not properly send or receive messages. Then, I tried to run the nc command in the busybox binary provided in the dynamic apps repository but that had the same issue.
I run this to start a netcat server in unikraft:
Then I run this in the host OS to connect to it:
However, when I type messages into any of these, it can be seen that no message is transferred from the client (host) to the server (unikraft VM) and only the first message that is entered in the server (unikraft) is transferred to the host os and the rest of them are not transferred.