unikraft / pykraft

Python library for configuring and building unikernels
177 stars 42 forks source link

Could not find manifest: arch/x86_64@None #103

Closed ggaaooppeenngg closed 2 years ago

ggaaooppeenngg commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

Failed to run configure

Steps to reproduce

❯ kraft configure kraft caches are out-of-date. Would you like to update? [Y/n]: Y [INFO ] Using direct repository: https://github.com/unikraft/unikraft.git [INFO ] Found core/unikraft via https://github.com/unikraft/unikraft.git... [INFO ] Populating via wildcard: https://github.com/unikraft/plat-* [ERROR ] GitHub rate limit exceeded! If you have not done so already, [ERROR ] you can tell kraft to use a personal access token when contacting [ERROR ] the GitHub API. First, visit: [ERROR ] [ERROR ] https://github.com/settings/tokens/new [ERROR ] [ERROR ] then select 'repo:public_repo'. You can then set the [ERROR ] environmental variable UK_KRAFT_GITHUB_TOKEN with this new token, [ERROR ] for example: [ERROR ] [ERROR ] export UK_KRAFT_GITHUB_TOKEN= [ERROR ] [ERROR ] Once this is done, please try again :-) ❯ kraft configure [WARNING ] Cannot initialize application without component: arch/x86_64@None Would you like to pull arch/x86_64@None? [y/N]: y [WARNING ] Could not find manifest: arch/x86_64@None [ERROR ] No manifests to download

Expected behavior

No response

Which architectures were you using or does this bug affect?

No response

Which platforms were you using or does this bug affect?

No response

Relevant log output

No response

gabrielmocanu commented 2 years ago

Hi @ggaaooppeenngg

Thank you for reporting the issue! It's pretty hard to debug because I don't know how the kraft installation was done. Can you try to do kraft list update and attach the output here?

ggaaooppeenngg commented 2 years ago
❯ kraft list update
[INFO    ] Using direct repository: https://github.com/unikraft/unikraft.git
[INFO    ] Found core/unikraft via https://github.com/unikraft/unikraft.git...
[INFO    ] Populating via wildcard: https://github.com/unikraft/plat-*
[ERROR   ] GitHub rate limit exceeded!  If you have not done so already,
[ERROR   ] you can tell kraft to use a personal access token when contacting
[ERROR   ] the GitHub API.  First, visit:
[ERROR   ]
[ERROR   ]   https://github.com/settings/tokens/new
[ERROR   ]
[ERROR   ] then select 'repo:public_repo'.  You can then set the
[ERROR   ] environmental variable UK_KRAFT_GITHUB_TOKEN with this new token,
[ERROR   ] for example:
[ERROR   ]
[ERROR   ]   export UK_KRAFT_GITHUB_TOKEN=<token>
[ERROR   ]
[ERROR   ] Once this is done, please try again :-)
gabrielmocanu commented 2 years ago


First, create a GitHub personal access token by following these instructions. (Pay attention when you generate a token to use only public_repo permission)

Then, use the following command:

$ UK_KRAFT_GITHUB_TOKEN=<your_GitHub_token_here> kraft list update

After this you should be able to use kraft.

janlauber commented 2 years ago

Just saying that for me it's not working either:

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
Release:    20.04
Codename:   focal

$ uname -m

$ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint bash unikraft/kraft:staging

# inside the docker container
$ git clone https://github.com/unikraft/app-helloworld-go.git
$ cd app-helloworld-go/
$ export UK_KRAFT_GITHUB_TOKEN=<redacted>
$ kraft list update
[INFO    ] Using direct repository: https://github.com/unikraft/unikraft.git
[INFO    ] Found core/unikraft via https://github.com/unikraft/unikraft.git...
[INFO    ] Populating via wildcard: https://github.com/unikraft/plat-*
[INFO    ] Found plat/gcp via https://github.com/unikraft/plat-*...
[INFO    ] Found plat/solo5 via https://github.com/unikraft/plat-*...
[INFO    ] Found plat/digitalocean via https://github.com/unikraft/plat-*...
[INFO    ] Found plat/aws via https://github.com/unikraft/plat-*...
[INFO    ] Found plat/raspi via https://github.com/unikraft/plat-*...
[INFO    ] Populating via wildcard: https://github.com/unikraft/app-*
[INFO    ] Found app/httpreply via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/wamr via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/lua via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/helloworld via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/helloworld-go via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/duktape via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/helloworld-cpp via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/python3 via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/nettle-test via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/elfloader via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/redis via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/sqlite via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/micropython via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/rust via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/nginx via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/click via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Found app/ruby via https://github.com/unikraft/app-*...
[INFO    ] Populating via wildcard: https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*
[INFO    ] Found lib/libunwind via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/lwip via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/pthreadpool via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/newlib via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/eigen via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/nginx via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/lua via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/gcc via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libcxxabi via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/pthread-embedded via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/http-parser via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/click via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/openssl via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libcxx via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libuuid via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/zlib via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/psimd via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/axtls via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/pcre via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libfxdiv via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/intel-intrinsics via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libfp16 via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/googletest via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libucontext via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/compiler-rt via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/googlebenchmark via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/musl via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/python3 via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/sqlite via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/wamr via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libgo via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/lvgl via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/mbedtls via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/protobuf via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/intx via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/bzip2 via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/ruby via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/open62541 via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/lzma via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/redis via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/boost via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/micropython via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/duktape via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/nnpack via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/c-ares via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/dnnl via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/nettle via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/arm-intrinsics via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/fatfs via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/lcms via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libtiff via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/flatbuffers via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libelf via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/tinyalloc via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/pybind11 via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/openjpeg via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libhogweed via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/omniorbpy via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libjpeg via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libpng via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/shfs via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libevent via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/tflite via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/tlsf via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/gemmlowp via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libicu via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/omniorb via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/mimalloc via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/farmhash via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/fft2d via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/extfs via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libuv via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/zydis via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libtasn1 via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/dafny via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...
[INFO    ] Found lib/libsodium via https://github.com/unikraft/lib-*...

$ kraft configure
[WARNING ] Cannot initialize application without component: arch/x86_64@None
Would you like to pull arch/x86_64@None? [y/N]: y
[WARNING ] Could not find manifest: arch/x86_64@None
[ERROR   ] No manifests to download
nderjung commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

you need to work inside of a project folder to use "kraft configure" since this is configuring your application. For example:

mkdir -p ~/workspace/myapp
cd ~/workspace/myapp
kraft init
kraft configure

or pull an existing application:

kraft list pull -w $(pwd)/unikraft helloworld
cd unikraft/apps/helloworld
kraft configure
Alez87 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I had the same issue. By running kraft init solved it. Thanks