unipv-larl / udeasy

A tool for querying CoNLL-U files
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Display errors to the user in the UI #5

Closed ar-jan closed 1 year ago

ar-jan commented 1 year ago

A colleague (working on a Mac) had trouble opening a .conllu file and at first it wasn't clear why -- after loading a file and clicking "Confirm" nothing happened. After starting the binary manually with console output we found the reason:

udeasy[33022:805400] +[CATransaction synchronize] called within transaction Traceback (most recent call last): File "home.py", line 55, in show_nodes_panel File "valideasy.py", line 68, in validate File "udapi/core/document.py", line 35, in init File "udapi/core/document.py", line 68, in load_conllu File "udapi/core/basereader.py", line 161, in process_document File "udapi/core/basereader.py", line 110, in try_fast_load File "udapi/core/basereader.py", line 68, in next_filehandle File "udapi/core/files.py", line 130, in next_filehandle FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive/Corpus' udeasy[33022:805400] +[CATransaction synchronize] called within transaction

Presumably the cloud storage is not a local filesystem; after moving the corpus files elsewhere things worked OK. It would be good to have errors displayed in the main UI.

bavagliladri commented 1 year ago

Thank you, I should certainly signal errors in the main UI

bavagliladri commented 1 year ago

Errors should be showed in the UI now