unisonweb / ui-core

Shared design system and core components for Unison Local and Unison Share
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Reordering open definitions #20

Open hojberg opened 3 years ago

hojberg commented 3 years ago

A user should be able to drag and drop open definitions to re-order them.

This re-ordering only has an effect on the order of definitions in the UI.


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hojberg commented 3 years ago

Design exploration being done here: https://www.figma.com/proto/kFq5VZ12HR0BZffsOAtRLN/Codebase?page-id=1403%3A0&node-id=1403%3A1&viewport=-259%2C199%2C0.3564445674419403&scaling=min-zoom

hojberg commented 3 years ago

Initial work to update the definition focus styles: https://github.com/unisonweb/codebase-ui/pull/127 to support this upcoming drag and drop work.

hojberg commented 3 years ago

Its now possible to re-order using the keyboard, but drag and drop is still not yet supported.