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certain @typecheck blocks render with a `let` which then doesn't parse #2884

Open aryairani opened 2 years ago

aryairani commented 2 years ago

Here's a transcript to reproduce

.docs> pull.without-history https://github.com/unisonweb/website:#8agaqj52kh
.docs> edit fundamentals.abilities.exercises.ex1
.docs> load

The transcript is in this indirect format due to #2826
aryairani commented 2 years ago

and here's that definition, for reference:

fundamentals.abilities.exercises.ex1 : Doc
fundamentals.abilities.exercises.ex1 =
  use Map get
  {{ exercise }} Exercise: Implement functions with calls to Ability operations

  Given the type signatures below, implement the functions to satisfy the
  compiler using the request operations of the Ability or functions found in

  @typecheck ```
  getWithAbort : a -> Map a b ->{Abort} b
  getWithAbort key map = todo "implement me!"

{{ Folded true {{ {{ hint }} Hint: how do I see the request operations of an ability? }} {{ In the UCM, you can enter ''view Abort'' to see the ability definition. The function signatures after the ''where'' keyword are the request operations. }} }}

{{ Folded true {{ {{ answer }} Answer: }} {{ Using the {toAbort} function.

@typecheck ```
  getWithAbort : a -> Map a b ->{Abort} b
  getWithAbort key map = toAbort (get key map)

Pattern matching on {type Optional}

@typecheck ```
  getWithAbort : a -> Map a b ->{Abort} b
  getWithAbort key map =
    match get key map with
      Some a -> a
      None   -> abort
``` }} }}


aryairani commented 2 years ago

Hopefully will fix these definitions from the repo in the description: