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Support for registering signal handlers #3343

Open ceedubs opened 2 years ago

ceedubs commented 2 years ago

Within a Unison main method it would be helpful to have a way to listen to signals sent to the UCM process. Some common use-cases are:

Both of these examples would be useful in the implementation of Unison Cloud.

System.Signal is an example of a Haskell library with a basic interface for registering signal handlers. It doesn't have helper methods for some common signals like HUP, USR1 and USR2, but those can be defined in user code.

Windows support?

I don't know much about signal handling on Windows, so one question that I had was whether this would work in a Windows environment. It looks like the System.Signal package linked above claims Windows support.

Various flavors of run

There are at least 3 ways to run UCM programs that I can think of:

For my purposes I only really care about signal handling in the run.compiled version. But it kind of seems like the ucm run version should behave similarly. It's less clear to me whether the first example (run within the ucm shell) should do anything with the handlers; when should signals be handled by ucm vs forwarded to the underlying program?

stew commented 2 years ago

I'd propose adding the following builtins:

  set the signal mask to allow exactly the set of signals in the Set
Signal.setMask: Set Int -> {IO}()

  set the current signal handler for the given signal
Signal.installHandler: Int -> '{IO}() -> {IO}()

  remove the given signal from the set of allowed signals
Signal.block: Int -> {IO}()

  add the given signal to the Set of allowed signals
Signal.unblock: Int -> {IO}()
stew commented 2 years ago

We may want to dumb it down to just the installHandler builtin, which is all that would be strictly needed, and might make it more likely to be portable to windows and perhaps chez scheme, not sure

ceedubs commented 2 years ago

@stew those Ints can be Nats, right?

stew commented 2 years ago

they are Int's in the haskell because they are signed int's in the underlying C. The range of signals that are valid are defined by the C library headers you are linking against. They do vary from system to system, and could change. I think the valid range changed from 0-32 to 0-64 sometime as recently as the last couple of decades