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rethink, clarify, and/or fix semantics of `transcript` vs `transcript.fork`, with `-c` / `-s` #4809

Open aryairani opened 5 months ago

aryairani commented 5 months ago

The ucm help currently shows

  transcript               Execute transcript markdown files
  transcript.fork          Execute transcript markdown files in a sandboxed codebase

but @stew observed that transcript ignores --codebase while transcript.fork doesn't.

Discussing with him, I wasn't even sure what the semantics were meant to be, but the current behavior is unintuitive and the help vague.

sellout commented 2 months ago

I think I discovered the intended semantics in another issue from @ceedubs: #3314.

The description there implies that transcript.fork is meant to run the transcript on a copy of whatever codebase would be used by UCM otherwise (i.e., either one provided by -c or the default), while transcript creates a fresh codebase regardless (and so maybe -c along with transcript should warn or error).

The summaries in ucm help are definitely not clear enough.

aryairani commented 2 months ago

Just exhaustively, we can:

The product of these make 8 combinations, and some of them overlap or don't make sense:

Currently we're using b2y to emulate b1, which is unintuitive.

So I think we really want:

sellout commented 2 months ago

Ok, that makes sense.

There are also tradeoffs with how -c/-C are interpreted when transcript* is used. It can be nice to make options orthogonal, so that -c has the same effect regardless of anything else that happens. On the other hand, making --src distinct from -c avoids the possibility of accidentally modifying your codebase with a typo. I think the latter is mitigated by transcript* requiring --in-place to overwrite, and the ability to roll back a code base using the VCS functionality.

So, I have a half-baked alternative proposal that starts by clarifying/modifying -c and -C to mean roughly the same as --src and --dest, but independently of transcript*. I.e.,

But, assuming there’s a clear solution there, transcript* can then build on those interpretations rather than adding new --src and --dest options. Then your list of what we want could be

This difference between transcript and transcript.fork is then “what happens when no explicit-c is passed?” transcript says “make a fresh one” and transcript.fork says “copy the default one”. And I think all the other combinations would result in identical behavior between transcript and transcript.fork. So maybe remove transcript.fork and then figure out how to disambiguate that one case – maybe a new flag, or maybe handle -c <<default>> or something as a special name to indicate the default codebase, so it can be made explicit.

And maybe --in-place is just a consequence of having -C point to the same codebase as -c (and maybe have -C <<src>> be a special name to indicate that it should be the same, which is also useful when the “src” is the default codebase).

Now the default values could be -c <<default>> -C <<src>>, so omitting the flags aren’t special cases (making flag omission be equivalent to a particular explicit flag is also very helpful to be able to override flags explicitly set earlier, say by an alias or other program/script that calls ucm).

And just to get crazy, what if -c and -C were just file descriptors, like ucm transcript 4</path/to/codebase 5>/path/to/output. There are probably a lot of issues with that (codebases are directories, not files; what does 5>> mean, etc.)

Anyway, like I said, half-baked, but maybe there’s something useful to extract from this.