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sort out loose code migration plan #4994

Open aryairani opened 1 month ago

aryairani commented 1 month ago

If Share loose code gets migrated to a project first, you can pull out a subnamespace with

.> clone @arya/legacy_code
@arya/legacy_code> project.create-empty my-real-project
my-real-project/main> fork @arya/legacy_code:subproject1 :

If not, then we could update clone to allow

clone arya.subproject1 my-real-project

or update pull to allow

pull arya.subproject1 my-real-project/main
aryairani commented 1 month ago

If share loose code gets migrated to a project, it should happen no sooner than #4439, which is connected to #4441, which is in progress.

aryairani commented 1 month ago

Some related discussion: https://discord.com/channels/862108724948500490/1238180855571021924 https://unisoncomputing.slack.com/archives/C03HW54CYP4/p1716217466697409 https://unisoncomputing.slack.com/archives/C039BETNDMF/p1716221859634149

mitchellwrosen commented 1 month ago

@aryairani FYI I believe pull does support this form:

pull arya.subproject1 my-real-project/main

aryairani commented 1 month ago

Okay, yes I confirmed this succeeded:

.> project.create-empty test-pull-migrate
test-pull-migrate/main> pull chrispenner.public.turtle

  Downloaded 9166 entities.


  Successfully pulled into test-pull-migrate/main, which was empty.
