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update `todo` #5088

Open aryairani opened 1 week ago

aryairani commented 1 week ago

The updated command should

mitchellwrosen commented 1 week ago

What's "list dependents of todo" – typo?

hojberg commented 1 week ago

@mitchellwrosen I think that refers to dependents of https://share.unison-lang.org/@unison/base/code/releases/3.7.0/latest/terms/todo

mitchellwrosen commented 1 week ago

Ah, yes, of course

aryairani commented 2 days ago


  • bonus: provide hints if they are named in other project branches

Not sure what we can reasonably accomplish here, but this is the motivation:

aryairani commented 2 days ago

Also, in the previous screenshot... what is ucm doing? It seems like if #dc5 appears in the list, that #t7r should too. But where's the dependent of #dc5? I guess I can use dependents to find out, but it would be better if todo told me why things were in the list.

mitchellwrosen commented 2 days ago

@aryairani It's currently just showing the unnamed things that are directly – not indirectly – referenced by your code

aryairani commented 2 days ago

@aryairani It's currently just showing the unnamed things that are directly – not indirectly – referenced by your code

Right, ok. We should consider at some point what other hints we could try to provide that would be helpful in choosing a name for it. Maybe that's dependent names, maybe it's names from other projects or Share, maybe it's something else.

And maybe transitive unnamed deps of from the direct unnamed deps, so that you're not getting one entry per time you todo