unisonweb / unison

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GHC 964 Fixes #5106

Closed neduard closed 3 days ago

neduard commented 1 week ago


Follow-up from https://github.com/unisonweb/unison/pull/5096 . This PR should contain only non-breaking and hence compile with the current supported GHC version 9.2.8.

No functional changes.


NOTE: I haven't tested it yet with stack - will add comment later

For testing with GHC 964, I applied the additional changes in the above PR as this PR alone won't compile due to package updates introducing non-backward-compatible changes. I then ran cabal v2-test all and cabal run transcripts: ✅ 276 tests passed, no failures! 👍 🎉

Loose ends

For testing, I've had also had to pin lsp == , servant <= 0.20.1 (currently it is <= 0.19.1).