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type checker not catching disallowed ability #5129

Closed ceedubs closed 3 days ago

ceedubs commented 3 days ago

Describe and demonstrate the bug

Below I have a forkThread function that takes a thunk that is only allowed to use the IO ability. But when I call into it via List.foreach, I am able to pass in a thunk that requires another ability (in this case Exception, but I can add arbitrary abilities to the same effect). The type checker should catch that this is not allowed.


.> project.create-empty proj
proj/main> builtins.mergeio
forkThread :
  '{IO} ()
  ->{IO} ()
forkThread thunk = todo "not important"

List.foreach : (a -> {g} ()) -> [a] -> {g} ()
List.foreach = todo "not important"

main : '{IO, Exception} ()
main = do
  thunk : '{IO, Exception} ()
  thunk = todo "you shouldn't be able to pass this into forkThread because it requires the Exception ability"
  List.foreach forkThread [thunk]

.> project.create-empty proj

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proj/main> builtins.mergeio

forkThread :
  '{IO} ()
  ->{IO} ()
forkThread thunk = todo "not important"

List.foreach : (a -> {g} ()) -> [a] -> {g} ()
List.foreach = todo "not important"

main : '{IO, Exception} ()
main = do
  thunk : '{IO, Exception} ()
  thunk = todo "you shouldn't be able to pass this into forkThread because it requires the Exception ability"
  List.foreach forkThread [thunk]

  Loading changes detected in scratch.u.

  I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
  do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would

    ⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:

      List.foreach : (a ->{g} ()) -> [a] ->{g} ()
      forkThread   : '{IO} () ->{IO} ()
      main         : '{IO, Exception} ()


The transcript was expecting an error in the stanza above, but did not encounter one.

Environment (please complete the following information):

Additional context

I ran into both this and #5128 in the same definition for a confusing double whammy.

ceedubs commented 3 days ago

This might ultimately be the same issues as #3513.

dolio commented 3 days ago

Took a quick look. I think this is what's going on:

When you do foreach forkThread, the type checker solves a = '{IO} (). When it does this, it adds a slack variable, so actually a = '{g, IO} (). which unifies with '{Exception, IO} (). So, adding the slack variable in this situation doesn't actually make sense.

I'll have to take a look at what's actually introducing the variable in this situation.

dolio commented 3 days ago

I think this might actually be simple to fix. Fixes #3513, too.