This declaration raises an exception during typecheck:
ability MyAbility g where
get : '{MyAbility {g}} ()
Encountered exception:
[unifyVars] unknown type in decl result: {[Var User "g"]}
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at src/Unison/KindInference/Generate.hs:322:22 in unison-parser-typechecker-0.0.0-KNkVGbTXlis2lnVjsRIJUx:Unison.KindInference.Generate
The proper declaration is:
ability MyAbility g where
get : '{MyAbility g} ()
Environment (please complete the following information):
This declaration raises an exception during typecheck:
The proper declaration is:
Environment (please complete the following information):
ucm --version
macOS 14.2.1, M1