Closed DaniloMurbach closed 4 years ago
While installing UniMRCP server binaries from the APT reporitory, the systemd unit file is getting installed as follows. Pay attention to the option -w
[Unit] Description=UniMRCP Server
[Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/opt/unimrcp/bin/unimrcpserver -r /opt/unimrcp -o 2 -w Restart=on-abort
Hi Arsen, thanks.
I did this setup like your example, now It is running the way that suposed to.
Best Regards Danilo Murbach
What's the right way to configure unimrcpserver to work properly inside systemd. I've tried to create a service here.
With the following content:
It works, but it takes a hole vCPU when the service starts and keeps using 100% of 1 vCPU as long as the service is up.