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Refactor context URL parse #204

Open phodal opened 1 month ago

phodal commented 1 month ago

Feature Proposal: Deprecated context


Auto parse URL from error code.

kotlinOptions {
                jvmTarget = VERSION_17.toString()
                languageVersion = "1.8"
                // see https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/using-kotlin.html#kotlin-standard-library
                apiVersion = "1.7"
                freeCompilerArgs = listOf("-Xjvm-default=all")

// relative static analysis result:
// - 'kotlinOptions(KotlinJvmOptionsDeprecated /* = KotlinJvmOptions */.() -> Unit): Unit' is deprecated. Please migrate to the compilerOptions DSL. More details are here: https://kotl.in/u1r8ln
// - Open in browser (⌘Click, ⌘B)
// - Typo: In word 'Xjvm'```


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Proposed Solution

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Alternatives Considered

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Additional Context

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