unit8co / darts

A python library for user-friendly forecasting and anomaly detection on time series.
Apache License 2.0
7.95k stars 865 forks source link

Documentation: comparison to sktime and tslearn #154

Closed woj-i closed 3 years ago

woj-i commented 4 years ago

Is your feature request related to a current problem? Please describe. There are many libraries for time-series forecasting. They have strong and weak points. It's hard to understand strong points and weak points of Darts if you are not a contributor of Darts.

Describe proposed solution It would be good if authors describe use-cases where this library is the best choice. It would be good to compare strong and week points of Darts with two popular python libraries for time-series forecasting: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/sktime and https://github.com/tslearn-team/tslearn (around 1.5k stars each).

mloning commented 4 years ago

FYI We're keeping a list of related software here. There are a few more packages that offer a scikit-learn-like forecasting API that you may want to compare.

TheMP commented 4 years ago

Hi @woj-i - it is a very good point and we'll add a more detailed description in the future.

Long story short - our library was built mostly based on our internal use cases with forecasting in mind as the main priority (at the moment of starting a lib we were not able to find any comprehensive implementation of models in Python) - therefore we brought in a lot of the classical models, added wrappers for the modern, popular ones and implemented some of the neural networks (RNN/TCN) from scratch in pytorch. In the future we plan to add more models that we are going to use internally. We wanted to focus on two things:

  1. Readable, immutable Timeseries object to hold time series information.
  2. Ease of applying new, sophisticated forecasting models, univariate and multivariate to Timeseries and validating their quality with backtesting.

The rest of the features like preprocessing is delivered on a nice-to-have basis, but the above 2 points are a must and ATM we are still thinking about new models and simplifying backtesting validation.

In terms of sktime, the library seems to provide a very nice API that extends sklearn objects and is meant for more generic-purpose use of time series with quite a broad set of tools to analyze/annotate/preprocess them. At the moment of writing there are also basic forecasting algorithms like ARIMA or 4Theta, although the more complex ones (multivariate models or eg. neural networks) are missing.

I believe the case is similar for the tslearn, library meant for the ML tasks on top of timeseries. Therefore if you want to work with forecasting challenges based on uni-/multivariate timeseries and are happy with a very simple wrapper Timeseries object on top of pandas dataframe, give Darts a shot. If you have different usecases in mind it might be worth looking into sktime or other libraries from their list.

Thank you @mloning for including us on your list - we are super excited to see us listed there! Could you maybe change the description a bit to reflect our goal a bit more? Eg. "Python collection of time series forecasting tools, from preprocessing to models (uni-/multivariate, prophet, neural networks) and backtesting utilities."

mloning commented 4 years ago

@TheMP I've changed the description! We're currently working on extending the support for multivariate data. We also have a companion package for common deep learning architecture, at the moment mostly time series classifiers though, check out the dev branch: https://github.com/sktime/sktime-dl/tree/dev

We'd be very happy to collaborate further, I think working towards a more unified ecosystem for time series analysis is crucial to make it easier for people to understand and use the existing time series tools.

TheMP commented 4 years ago

Hi @mloning - many thanks! Totally agree, the time series didn't receive enough attention so far and we're happy to see not only we noticed that problem. They deserve a more unified environment and a proper treatment as first-class citizens :)

ngupta23 commented 2 years ago

I think working towards a more unified ecosystem for time series analysis is crucial to make it easier for people to understand and use the existing time series tools.

I agree. Having a darts wrapper/extension in sktime would be really nice similar to what is done for statsmodels (Link)!